Help Fix Sony PlayMemories Camera Apps!

Published: October 26, 2016


90% of the Complaints I Receive on this Website are Related to Sony PlayMemories Camera Apps. Here’s Your Chance to Help Fix Them.

If you’ve been following this blog for a while you know that I rarely call Sony out publicly. However, every few months, I pass along bug fixes, feature and lens requests from readers.

While Sony doesn’t always add features I suggest or fix issues as quickly as I’d like, I will say they always listen. If you’ve dealt with other camera companies you’ll realize that alone is a very rare thing.

Why am I writing this? Because, one BIG issue that’s gone well beyond the breaking point.

PlayMemories is Badly Broken and Needs a Fixin’

Sony PlayMemories Camera Apps are extremely popular. They are also flat out frustrating to purchase and update. Once you get them working they’re awesome – but the journey to get there can be an outright nightmare.

Ninety percent of the complaints I receive on this website are PlayMemories related. In an effort to help you with that, I’ve written posts including ’Installing & Updating Sony Play Memories Camera Apps’ to help you deal with them.

Yet every time a new Mac OS is released the problems come back.

That’s gotta get fixed.

It will get fixed.

Last week at PhotoPlus Expo in New York I sat down with a trusted Sony product manager to outline the problems readers have experienced with PlayMemories Camera Apps. Trust me when I say, the message will be delivered to the PlayMemories Team.

The Biggest Issues with PlayMemories Camera Apps

1. Incompatibility with OS Updates and Browsers

Sony is REALLY SLOW to update new Operating Systems – particularly MAC OS Updates. I’ve raised that issue repeatedly and it’s got to get better! There’s also no excuse that it took until last week to support Android 7.

The same can be said for incompatibility with certain browsers. PlayMemories needs to support EVERY Browser on the planet. This needs to be fixed yesterday!

2. Inability to Purchase Camera Apps in Countries Outside the PlayStation Network

Sony uses the PlayStation Network to sell paid apps so if you’re in a country not served by the PlayStation Network, it doesn’t mean that Sony doesn’t want to sell you camera apps – it means your government hasn’t given the PlayStation Network approval to operate in your country.

I’m hoping that Sony will either:

A. Update the Sony PlayMemories system so it’s possible to purchase Camera Apps in every country…

B. Update the Sony PlayMemories website to clearly state which countries Sony is and isn’t able to sell paid camera apps. (Needless to say, I prefer Option A.)

3. Please Default to Camera Quality Setting

PlayMemories Camera Apps have their own Quality Setting that default to JPEG. This means even if your camera is set to RAW, you must change the Quality from JPEG to RAW in the App (I actually find that RAW + JPEG is a better choice in several instance so I’d recommend that over RAW alone.)

The apps default back to JPEG whenever you update them. This has to be fixed. Either default to Camera Settings or at the very least default to RAW + JPEG.

The Challenge

Sony PlayMemories Group is actually made up of FOUR SEPARATE TEAMS!

PlayMemories Teams

• PlayMemories Camera Apps
• PlayMemories Mobile – iOS and Android Smartphone and Tablet App
• PlayMemories Home – Image Management Software
• PlayMemories Online – Used for downloading and updating Camera Apps

What You Can Do

In the Comments section at the end of this post please let us know what issues you’re having with Sony PlayMemories. Please be sure to let us know:

• Your Issue
• Your Sony Camera Model Number
• Your Operating System
• The Country Where You Reside

Thanks for your help and patience. We’re working to fix the problems!

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466 thoughts on “Help Fix Sony PlayMemories Camera Apps!”

  1. Hi Brian, I totally agree. Come on Sony you’ve got some awesome cameras, don’t fail with a bad app and slow support!

    1. Hi, just bought a 7R11 having major problems with PlayMemory that taken over my computer. Not joking. And a major problem that the program overloaded reading I guess, all the images on my Hd. — By mistake I moved a pointer out left on the screen, to read all I guess. Fact is it don’t even help uninstalling PlayMemory and re-install ; it just froze as soon it came up, can’t even ose the mouse on it, it’s as it need to load a huge database it is processing high speed and Please ; how can I now emty my brand new 7R11 ????

  2. I can’t get my apps updated since I moved from Spain to the US because Sony does not allow you to change your country in the settings. I can’t even login from here to access my Spanish account if I wanted to update or buy new apps.

    The only option available to me is to create a new account and wipe out all the apps previously purchased.

    BTW, Sony’s moderation team in their forums and social media are uninformed and unhelpful.

    1. Hi Anna, have you been able to download the apps? I have a Sony a7ii that I purchased in the States but am unable to download apps here in the Netherlands.

      1. I am also having this problem.. Currently traveling in India with a Sony Rx100m5 that I bought in the states. I want to download the timelapse app, but I get a failed payment error each time. Sony Support has been incredibly unhelpful. With each response in the support thread, (15+ messages at this point) a different person reads it each time, and they do not carefully review the problem. Only giving me a general solution to sync my US CC and location in my play memories account, that never fixes the problem. and then telling me to call the US number for help which I can not do being I’m out of the country. This response over an over, despite me telling them its not working.

        I can not purchase credits on their website.. not with my CC or PayPal? Why because im in India? Ive wasted countless time trying to get this app download and contacting support.

        Incredibly frustrating. I would expect better of Sony.

        1. Natalie, I had the exact same problem and couldn’t find anything online. I was going on holiday the next day when I found the solution. So for me I was using a Mac and was connection on the WPS rather than Wifi. I changed to Wifi and mainly connected to a PC and everything just worked. I downloaded the app by connecting the camera to the PC. On the Mac the camera connection wouldnt even work. I hope this solved your problem.

  3. My main bone to pick, other than the image quality selection, would be the app “Smart Remote Control” for communicating with a device wirelessly. This needs to be expanded dramatically to compete with things like Cam Ranger, or other remote programs that Canon and Nikon have. The other thing would be, why no support for Windows 10 devices? Recent numbers: iPad Pro has sold about 2 million devices, Surface Pro 4 – 1.6 million devices. And that doesn’t even consider all of the OTHER 2 in 1s that are being produced for this operating system. While I understand I can tether via USB, why not offer wireless for folks that have these devices? The landscape (pardon the pun) for these devices has changed a LOT in the last few years, it would be good to keep up with it. Lots of photogs are using this app professionally for things like Real Estate photography and Architectural. Would be great to see it expanded!

      1. Yep, agreed that Cam Ranger is something you can buy, versus the free Sony app. However, my understanding is that Cam Ranger can’t build a similar experience for Sony users, not sure why. I’d even pay something similar to what Cam Ranger charges, if it were available. It’s that valuable for those who really need it…

      2. Christopher O'Grady

        Sony is developing new apps and charging for them like “sky hdr” and $30 for this new “digital filter” app. If Sony developed a truly professional Camranger replacement for $30, $50 or even $300 I would buy it immediately. I don’t see why they are putting the time into these consumer apps when the Canon professionals who switched to Sony are crying out for something to replace Camranger for them.

        1. CamRanger is not app-based, it’s a third-party hardware device that neither Sony nor Canon developed. If you’d like to have CamRanger for Sony, you need to reach out to them.

          1. Christopher O'Grady

            I thought the purpose of this post was to help fix playmemories apps. Right now, the smart remote control app is a toy. The functionality is not developed within the playmemories framework for Camranger to provide a solution. I am sure Camranger receives several emails a day begging them to create an app for Sony. I stopped emailing them because it is out of their control until Sony upgrades the playmemories system to allow them to create a truly professional solution.

          2. Christopher O'Grady

            What I need is Playmemories and Smart Remote Control to become a professional system which has the same features that Camranger does. There are thousands of Canon and Nikon users who have switched who are desperately waiting for something to replace Camranger in the sony system. Thanks for creating the post… I’m sure Sony is working on it.

  4. Just trash it and start over with a proper concept.

    The Idea is cool, but the whole concept and execution is just sad – even for Sony standards, which never had the best user interface and experience.

    Who thought it would be a good idea, that i need to log in with my sony-network account on a camera without keyboard (image how fun it is to enter a proper password with a dial wheel…).
    Apps are crazy slow and seem to lack any prior thought on how to use them – at least most of them.

    The most useable one for me, camera remote, still takes me about 20 sec to connect the (also Sony!) phone, and still fails to send the image in probably 20% of the cases.

    The Sony app environment feels a bit like the last “non-smart-phones” like the Nokia communicator/n-gage. Just a pain in the ass, but still somehow great because if you sick through all the pain, they can actually deliver a value.
    Please Sony, don’t be like Nokia and fuck up what is a great idea, and just hire a couple people who know how to design user interfaces and interactions.

    I know it’s just a general rant, not specific “bug”, but i’m not even willing to spend enough time trying the things out in the state they are now.

    And yes, i do use Sony, and enjoy it very much for other reasons. Just image how awesome it could be, if Sony would get the apps right 😉

  5. Play Memories Apps are a Huge Mess! Just build Smartphone Remote Control and Time-Lapse into the camera and dump the Play Memories System!!!

  6. Timelapse app:
    a) Remove the 990 image limit. Why is there a limit at all?
    b) custom frame rate. having only 24 and 30 fps is not really great for timelapse

        1. PlayMemories Home doesn’t display correctly on a new laptop with 4K display. Is there a known fix for this?

          1. Which laptop do you have?

            It looks fine on a new MacBook Pro with 2880 x 1800px resolution, you simply drag the corner of the Play Memories Home window to fill the display.

  7. Good to see that something is being done. Have been updating my cameras on Wifi. It would be great if all updates could be done via Sony Playmemories ( I uninstalled it longtime ago). PS: I am running Mac !

  8. Delighted to have the opportunity to provide feedback on this dark corner of the Sony product offering.

    I regard the Sony Play Memories apps as a total embarrassment for Sony. They have the usability of a mainframe. Totally and utterly frustrating to use. Every 6 months or so I give them another go, just to end up equally frustrated. They need to be totally re-built in terms of usability and performance. On a parallel topic, I cannot understand why the menu system on the A7 series does not have a custom menu option to allow me change my frequent settings with ease (eg Format card). I mention it because I wonder if they share the same solution architects as the Play Memories developers.

    Real world usability is the Achilles Heel of the A7 product line and is the reason I keep putting my Canon cameras in my bag rather than Sony.
    When travelling, the PlayMemories are such an ordeal to use that I will often use an image from my iPhone rather than the hassle of trying to get my A7 image onto a wireless device. Lots of people know that I have Canon and Sony cameras and come to me for advice. Unfortunately, most of my feedback is now negative, as I have given Sony plenty of time to progress this. I have deferred any further Sony lens or body purchases as I am on the verge of giving up on Sony.

  9. It would be great if the apps simply added functionality to the existing camera and settings (or at least remembered those settings) rather than what they appear to do–launch an entirely new operating system that takes over the camera and resets all the settings of my camera. To give an analogy, the apps now feel like it does when I’m running “remote desktop” on my windows PC–it opens a whole “new” operating system that doesn’t interact with the normal operating system.

  10. One thing that really sucks is if you want to change country, (I live in Asia, but had to use a USA account as apps were not available in Asia when they first came out), it requires me to re-purchase all of the apps again, and it needs to wipe out all of my camera settings. Considering I have 4 Sony camera bodies, 30 to 60 Min. to set up each camera, by the time you remember how you set them up the first time, I just gave up on Play Memories apps.

    Sony should take a look at Apple IOS. Simple to buy, Simple to install. Billions of apps sold. Use that as a model to re-vamped the whole system.

    One account (Sony Imaging Account?), multiple payment options, and one click purchase and download / Installation.

    If they can’t figure it out, then hire people that can.

  11. There is a one thing that Sony could do that would be guaranteed to solve these problems and give them a HUGE edge against their competitors. Brian, please hear me out:

    1. Make a publicly documented API for remote control. Make it easy for a smartphone app to add native sony remote control support. Official sony apps are awesome, but it’s impossible to please everyone. If you open up the possibility for anyone to make a remote control app then apps will multiply for every type of work.

    2. Make an open platform for people to make in-camera apps. Apps have revolutionized everything about our world, and Sony has a huge opportunity to take the lead in this. Look at Magic Lantern. I know of several people (including myself before the a7 series) who bought Canon instead of Nikon simply because Canons have magic lantern. Magic lantern is helping Canon in spite of their ignoring it. Sony could attract scores of developers and cement their reputation for listening to their customers by creating an open extension/app platform. I would gladly pay $99 per year and develop apps myself if I could.

    1. Yes!! This would change things dramatically, and give Sony the edge over their competitors IMHO. I know Sony loves their proprietary hardware and software, but this is the place to make a break from that paradigm. It’s long past time for camera companies to realize what works for similar industries (computers, phones) is to keep control of the environment, but open it up to others who will invest the time to create things none of us have even dreamed of yet. Hope they listen to this one!!

    2. The API is actually open, both to take pictures and to download them. The site is linked as ‘my website’ and is easily found by Googling ‘sony camera api’. I’ve browsed the document and it is actually very clear.


    I really would like to understand how apps are supported. I soooooo want to have the Olympus Live Composite feature…. It looks to be similar to Light Trails but that app stopped updating at the A7s and 5k version??!!!???!!! I think understanding updates and having good interaction on which apps to develop further would be great. I have had issues logging in and the process on the cam has been most successful vs tether but need to keep my log in info on the cam so it is more 1 click-ish.

    Common SONY update Light Trails before I have to buy an Oly!!!!

    1. I fully agree on this! I was using the EM-1 before switching over to the A7Rii and the feature that I miss the most is the live composite. When I saw the light trail app, my heart skipped a beat and was so ready with my credit card to purchase it only to realize that the app is not compatible with my camera. It was quite disappointing and I hope Sony would make their apps compatible with all their mirror less cam. And please please please… start it with the light trail app for A7Rii.

  13. On Bracket Pro – Focus Bracket:
    Please allow more than 3 shots
    And /or allow to set a wider range of distances between the near and the far focus points.
    (Take a look at how Olympus is doing that in its firmware update on the EM-5 II).

    1. Focus bracketing is missing badly! Panasonic & Olympus both have it, which is a great advantage especially for macro photographers.

  14. Having purchased and still using a handful of apps over several generations of Sony aps-c cameras, I was quite disappointed to learn how few apps [and none of my paid apps!] are supported on the DSC-HX90V. I would have thought camera to camera app ports would not be all that difficult given in-house access available to Sony. At least time-lapse would be nice to have.

  15. -3rd party apps allowed. Open up to any developer.
    -No more parallel menus and settings when running an app
    -Run two or more apps simultaneously (remote control or touches shutter + smooth reflections, for example)
    -Reduce lag, some apps really lag
    -Lens comp must enable writing full exif to all A7x series, not only mk2
    -Focus stack app with X number of shots, input by user, not only 3 shots
    -Let the 3rd party focus stack app (which is a very good app) works with adapted AF lenses (Sony knows which app is this)
    -PlayMemories can be a winning feature for Sony, make it valuable for the user!!!

  16. Thanks Brian, your post got me thinking why I stopped using the PlayMemories apps, so I got the camera out to refresh my memory.

    One thing I recalled is that you can only use one app at a time. Sometimes you might want to use 2 apps (eg Bracket Pro and Touchless Shutter).

    So I decided to play with Bracket Pro. I use back button focussing, and guess what? Function disabled!!!!! I was not impressed.

    So now I remember why I just don’t bother using them!

    I have to say that I find it incomprehensible in this ‘app addicted’ world, that a tech leader like Sony even bothers with the PlayMemories apps! Like others have said above, ditch it, employ skilled app developers and launch a simple, user friendly set of apps and app environment.

  17. I have a few Ideas
    – Buy for one buy for all (i bay from the Apple app store and i can put it on all my iOS devices without paying again)
    – You can buy from a browser and then just hook you camera to the wifi and it will download and install it. Don’t have to navigate it on the camera and install it.
    – 3rd Party SDK. open it up to other developers, i am sure there are a ton of ideas out there.

    thats my few..

  18. My biggest gripe is the lack of integration with the camera. Each app seems to have its own menu of settings that override the main camera settings. For example jpg v raw has to be set in each app. Would be much better if installing an app just added items to existing camera menu so fir example multiple exposure became an item under drive menu.
    Also make it easier to update the apps and have notifactiond when these have updated, either in the camera or by email as email address is used fior account id so they know how to contact the user.

      1. Yes…. but a massive number of people use back button focus. Another example of Sony not seriously taking usability into account. This specific reason is why I do not use the Remote app.

    1. This use to be the case. This works now. I recently had my a7ii reset to stock. So I setup back button focus and installed the latest remote app and now the touch focus works with back button setup on the camera. Check to make sure you have the latest camera firmware and latest updates to the remote app.

  19. If you install an app on a camera, and decide you want to sell that camera, you lose an install. Many of the apps have a limit of ten installs. I had two NEX6 cameras that installed the Time Lapse app into. I upgraded to the A6000 and A6300; uninstalling the apps from the NEX6 didn’t do anything to the install count. I am out two install instances.

  20. When logging in or trying to reset a password, there’s a checkbox that needs to be checked (I am not a robot) but because it is a web interface rather than an app interface, it’s unselectable. Frustrating.

  21. Sony A6000 and A6300 – If one has Back Button Focus set up, with AF with Shutter turned OFF, Touchless shutter and all apps will not permit focus point change as it requires AF with Shutter ON. The camera displays ‘Function disabled’ when the AEL button (BBF) is clicked.

    This is another example of the PlayMemories apps working only in their own ecosystem and ignoring the camera settings ‘outside’.

      1. I’m confused. Shouldn’t you be able to touch the screen to focus without actually taking the picture?

        It may be technically correct, but unintuitive given that two people have already complained about it.

      2. I am describing the behaviour of the Touch less shutter app….Not touch focus.

        Why does it not work with BBF?

          1. I don’t think you understand that a BBF user turns AF wth shutter OFF.

            So to use the Touch less shutter, a menu dive is required to turn AF with shutter ON?

            Wow!! Brilliant functionality Sony!!! Not!!!!

  22. It freezes every singlet time i try to open Play Memories on my iMac running macOS Sierra.
    I have an A7r II and in Auckland, NZ.

  23. Is there any way Sony would be willing to open up their camera app system and (barely functional) “store” to third party developers? (Since it has been “hacked” already)? I truly believe THIS IS THE FUTURE. Make cameras as useful as smart phones with hundreds of apps !!!


  24. I’ve only used Smart Remote, Touchless Shutter and Timelapse.

    Smart Remote – It’s fine, but enabling it to work with the timelapse app would be fantastic. I’d like the ability to review my timelapse whilst shooting via my phone.

    Touchless Shutter – Bulb exposure seems to be the only reason this app should exist, yet for some reason that mode is unavailable.

    Timelapse – Extension of shutter times beyond 30s would be great. I’ve got an A6000 which is noisy beyond ISO1600, so if I could extend my exposures beyond 30s that’d be fantastic. The star trailing shouldn’t be too visible in a timelapse. For long day – night timelapses, the ability to set max/min shutter times, similar to the max ISO setting, would be much appreciated.

  25. When using Self Timer with the Remote Control app it defaults the camera output image to “2M” and JPEG in size instead of “Original” and RAW. I had to reshoot once because I forgot to double check before using that app. It needs to be fixed.

  26. I would like for them to make the Smart Remote control able to control movie mode across all Sony cameras that support video, not just certain models, like the a7 series. I can’t count the number of times I’ve wanted to use video control on the a6000. It would also be nice if they could revamp the control interface on the phone so that it’s easier to change settings like iso, shutter speed, etc.

  27. I would also like a better wireless tethering solution, and a way to put in star ratings on images while viewing them on the camera, so that it would be quicker to choose favorites in lightroom.

    Also would like to be able to change the image prefix from the default DSC to something else. Comes in handy when shooting wedding with multiple bodies. I know you can do it with the a6300, but would like that feature incorporated across the entire line of Sony cameras.

  28. Timelapse app lags on both my a7 and a7ii. Also It’d be nice to maybe to be able to deactivate the monitor and just have a small bar at the bottom showing the amount of shots remaining and the other stuff to save more battery

  29. I´m pretty much happy all around the available apps. I just wish Sony would expand the avalability for apps like the “light trail” app for much more cameras like my RX100/4. Its a very nice app at my A7s and it would make my RX even better! As its available for the Alpha 5100 its not a megapixel thing thats the problem and the RX100/4 has much more computational power then my A7s!

    Come on Sony, give is all the apps that are possible!

  30. Problem: there is a minimum purchase in value to buy an app. In Singapore, I believed it is SGD15 which means that I can just buy ONE app only.
    Camera model: A7M2
    OS: Win10 64-bit
    Country: Singapore

  31. Correction earlier post- I CANNOT just buy 1 app at any time. I would need to pay the minimum transaction value, which is more than the price of the app.

  32. Smooth Reflection should support silent shutter so we don’t have to wear out the shutter and uncompressed raw for max image quality.

  33. Every time I try to purchase an App is says error- so frustrating!! It can’t process my payment. I go to website to enter credit card and PayPal account and none of them work- I notice when i go to my Sony account it mentions my last update is 2041!! I think they lent 2014 so maybe that’s a problem not sure. I can’t update my other cameras that are older cuz it won’t work with my MacBook Air. I move over to my wife’s PC and I can’t update from their either. Just totally frustrated at the entire process!! My main cameras have been updated the last 6mo by Sony techs but I still can’t download apps!!!

  34. Some of the apps — e.g., focus bracketing — ought to be made available in a firmware update that is fully integrated with the functioning of the specific camera

      1. I will say that one thing the PlayMemories Camera Apps Team has recently done “right” is to allow Multi-shot captures saved as RAW in the Sky HDR app. I’d like to see that for Focus Bracketing too.

  35. Hoo boy, where to start. Website and browser and downloading and wifi have been discussed 🙂 How about making the apps easily shareable via SD card? Imagine this, Brian: you and I are out in the field, shooting. Me: “Hey Brian, have you tried the ChocolateChipCookie app on your Sony?” You: “No, but YUM!” Me: (pushes a couple buttons, downloads to SD card) “Here, install this right now!” You: “Damn, these cookies are good!” You get the point 🙂 Sony would end up selling a ton more apps. Of course, the shared apps are only good for say, 30 days trial.

    The password/userid thing on the camera – that won’t improve until such time as Sony has a true touch-screen interface for everything. But again, Sony could make it dead simple easy: if a user can connect to Wifi, they should be able to FREELY download any app with no sign in or anything. Get a trial for 30days. They would sell so many more apps!

    Build an open system so other app developers can contribute cool apps.

    My $.02!

    1. I like the idea of streamlining the system. And while I like ChocolateChipCookies as much as the next guy, I’m not sure Sony is going to go for the sharing freely idea as it bypasses signing terms and conditions.

  36. Owned Sony A7r, A7r II, RX100 III
    All Sony needs to do is Goggle the web for problems. There is so much information there that could be used to fix system, If they really want.

    The main problem for me and most others is the ability to get the system to recognize payment. The prompts are terrible and no information is given on what is wrong. It took me 30 minutes and 3 credit cards to buy one app. I never did get Paypal accepted. The whole customer facing billing system needs to be redone and it should be done only for cameras, not Play Station.

    Thanks for doing this, Brian.

    If Sony wants to be known as a real player in photography, not a consumer electronics company, this app store could become a real advantage.

  37. I’d dump the whole app system in its current iteration and just let users unlock these features as new menu tabs or items (that we can assign to the function menus!)

    So instead of scrolling to the apps menu, launching the app, and then choosing our shutter, aperture, etc there, we might just select our exposure settings as usual and simply go to our function menu to toggle on or off a feature (e.g. timelapse) the same way I might change the timer delay.

    A separate menu tab should also contain our login credentials to the app store.

  38. Thank You Brian – I tried some months ago to get SR and Sky HDR – tried PC and Mac – emailed you – but in the end I gave up – I kept trying to put money in my ‘wallet’ and just kept getting an ‘error’ message – OK I am old and not too techy – but manage most things and PP stuff – but this one defeated me.

    Love to hear about changes to make it more useable.


  39. ‘Inability to Purchase Camera Apps in Countries Outside the PlayStation Network’

    I have a Portuguese PSN account and while it works perfectly with game purchases it doesn’t give me access to the Camera apps.

  40. I really feel like returning my camera because of all the problems I’ve had trying to get my photos off my camera and onto my PC. I have a Sony A7II. I used to have Canons, and as soon as I’d plug the camera into my PC, the images would load. SO EASY. I have downloaded the app, tried to run it. At first the message was I wasn’t connected to the internet. Not true. Now I can’t run it. This is maddening to me. I like to quickly look at my photos on my PC and I have not been able to. Please help! I am using a Dell with Windows 10

    1. Don’t try to use a manufacture’s own software to download your pictures. Get someone with technical knowledge to get it set up for you.

    2. Hello Deborah, still images are inside the DCIM folder on your SD card. It’s a fairly simple process to drag those over to your PC either by connecting the camera using the supplied USB cable or by placing the SD card into a card reader. (I prefer the latter.)

      I’d agree with Caleb. It’s better to control this process than to leave it to an automated app.

      1. A7 series camera batteries are so so capacity challenged that I would not consider using a link to my camera to download images. I use that time to re-charge the batteries. Also, ingesting from card readers give you the opportunity to use the latest and fastest connections. Important if you have a lot of images to download.

  41. I am from Brazil.
    All I want is the possibility to buy Sony app as I do in Google store or similar using my private credit card.
    No more country marketing restrictions.

  42. I’m just catching up on this and reading all the replies. I can’t say that I have anything to suggest that hasn’t already been said, but thank you Brian for starting this thread focused on this topic. I actually met you last Thursday at the PhotoPlus Expo and, unfortunately for you, I brought up the topic of PlayMemories (I’m sure you were thinking…”can a guy just get away!?”). As you suggested, I went over and spoke with Kenta and he was very receptive to hearing feedback from me. In fact, I was quite impressed with both his willingness to listen to me, and with his perceived desire to fix this problem. As some have mentioned above, in one form or another, I suggested that they include a couple of the more popular apps, like remote shutter and timelapse, with their cameras…I’m not sure that will happen, but he seemed open to the possibility.

    I look forward to progress being made in getting this wart removed from the Sony Alpha user experience.

  43. I have had serious problems to install playmemory apps to my alpha 6000. With different computers and differnet browsers always error “Network error has occurred.Please check the network and try again. (# D-ResultCode)”
    Around 8? mails with the sony support does not lead to anything. Beside the first 6 mails were only standard block answers not fitting to my problem or asking things I told them in the mails before…
    Finally I got to a real technician / developer who had a simple solution (for him): Because I wrote that I could load the apps via WLAN and camera direct (without pc) I should go that way…. I do not want to put my credit card info in the camera, but that was ignored by the sony support.
    So the simply ignored the problem, that installation through PC is not possible in many configurations….

  44. I can’t comment on the app, because I can’t even install it!
    First it told me I needed to update firmware, which I did (thanks for the info Brian).
    Also, I couldn’t use firefox. When I finally did connect on Internet Explorer and tried to purchase w/ paypal, I kept getting an ‘internal error’ message. I tried this several times with no success, then tried using a credit card, again no luck. I’ve given up trying.

    1. I got the same error message. Quite maddening and annoying. Turns out it’s a payment processing issue.

      For the sake of any future users that might stumble upon this, if you are continually getting an “internal error” message when trying to purchase an app, I can confirm that purchasing a Playstation gift card from Amazon (delivered instantly via email) and then redeeming it in your “wallet” on the Sony site will solve the problem.

      Here is the gift card that worked for me, and finally allowed me to purchase the time lapse app.

  45. I have bought most apps that I can use with my A6000 and A5000.
    I found I needed to search around the net to get information on how to set up and use the apps.
    They need better instructions on how to use the apps. Sometimes when trying to purchase apps it would not take my credit card for a couple of days.
    They should have one button transfer to my phone like on my A6000 for all the cameras and not have to menu dive.

    Overall I like the apps and think Sony has done a good job and about having to buy apps you should have known this before you bought the camera and not complain later about it.

  46. It is a joke that windows 10 is not supported. I have to use a notebook from work who still has win 7 to have any chance of getting into the shop. Also, requiring entering a credit card entry in the Sony network to buy an app for 5 Euro? Have they ever heard of Paypal? And their network was already broken in before so if I absolutely want an app, I add the credit card and delete it immediately after the transaction. Honestly, the userfriendlyness is non-existent.
    Only a tech buff with strong determination will fight through all those setbacks to the end to get one of those apps. Sony apps – a splendid idea with awful execution

  47. The most annoying issue after buying SONY camera in my country (Israel) is the Inability installing PlayMemories Mobile on your smart phone (IOS & android).
    PlayMemories Mobile is not available in my region, and it’s not shown on Apple app store or at google Play Store.
    In order to fix this issue in my country you need to do
    1. Use VPN service to bypass the region limitation on Apple & google app stores.
    2. Installing the app from APKMirror which is unsafe
    I wish SONY will stop this stupid region limitation and allow anyone that bought SONY camera to install this app on his smart phone.

  48. On Android (not sure on apple) Don’t close the app when you lock the phone screen. This is really annoying when you are using the remote app to take group photos. I can’t use the 2 second delay, trigger the shutter, lock the screen and put the phone in my pocket before the shot. So I have to hold the phone in my hand in every group shot. not very natural looking.

    Also annoyance when transferring a lot of photos from the camera. I often want to start the transfer and put my phone in my pocket while the photos transfer. Can’t do that because the app closes once you lock the screen..

    This is very odd. why would Sony program the app to work this way?

      1. That’s a good question.
        I am afraid it might activate something while in my pocket. ie minimize the app, which stops all processing or pressing the cancel button on the file transfer etc.. Plus it waists battery keeping the screen on.

        1. I don’t know about Android but when I lock my iPhone it shuts down all apps. If you want to keep apps running you can’t lock the phone. Just be careful with anything…um…pushing into your pocket.

          1. Really all apps stop on apple when you lock the screen? how do you listen to podcasts or music when out for walk?

            This is sloppy programming on part of Sony. When I am downloading a new book for my audio app. it does not stop when i close the screen. so why should my photo stop downloading in the Sony app when i close the screen?

  49. I’d prefer this as a *feature* in Sony cameras, because I don’t use any Sony apps as they seem like a pain to use quickly/easily. However, if I have no other options, I’d be sort of OK to have an app for my “old” cameras to display crop marks for 4×5, 5×7 and 1×1, both with and without grid lines. And why not offer 4×3 aspect ratio besides 2×3 and 16×9 in newer cameras if you won’t retroactively offer this set of additions through firmware? Competing camera companies offer more AR options– even $100 smart phones offer more compositional options. Why?

      1. I’m hired to shoot an event, I’m standing there with 4 people in my frame, struggling to guess where will be my 4×5 crop because I’m shooting a number of things, but when I encounter groups, the client wants printed 8x10s. A 12 year-old girl steps in front of me and takes her shot in a fraction of a second. Before she moves on to her next shot with her phone, she asks me why there’s a “sea-shell” showing on her screen. I explain that’s the Golden Ratio, for composition. She tilts her head as if I was speaking gibberish. I guess I was from her POV. I asked how much she paid for her phone; under $100. I don’t need the Golden Ratio, but the AR basics would be really handy to compete with little kids with cheap phones.

        When you’re made to jump through hoops like register your personal info on the Sony website, “buy” proprietary currency to purchase poorly implemented software that should’ve been properly developed and installed on the camera in the first place, it makes one think hard about looking for simpler, easier options elsewhere.

        I’ve not even signed up for the free apps because I feel Sony has made the entire process way harder and more convoluted than it needs to be based upon all of the people voicing their problems in this area. Nobody wants to fight their own tools.

        Anyway, kudos to you for starting this, Brian.

  50. Requests on PlayMemories Home:
    – time saver: allow users to create 10 preset locations on GPS Mapview. Right now it defaults to Japan, which is 0% useful to me
    – time saver: allow users to input an address on GPS Mapview
    – PlayMemories Home recognizes my h.265 files from my Samsung NX1 when importing, but cannot preview a thumbnail of a h.265 file nor can it play an h.265, even though Windows 10 natively supports decoding h.265 files. If you want PlayMemories to be my default viewer, then recognize that users don’t only use Sony, even when we are loyal Sony owners (I would never have bought a Samsung camera if Sony had had 4K earlier!)

    1. I wanted to add another request on Sony PlayMemories Home. I’ve been using it recently a lot.

      Since it doesn’t recognize formats not used by Sony, it’s an unrealistic option for anyone who has ever used anything but Sony. It’s a bit ridiculous to move photos from one folder to another folder, only to find out that only the jpegs were moved– the Nikon NEF files were unrecognized and did not move with the jpegs at the same time. I’m not sure this is the right strategy for Sony simply because I can’t undo my history of using other cameras. This just punishes me. I would suggest, instead, giving certain features that only work with Sony formats. That could incentivize staying in the Sony ecosystem. Not recognizing other photo formats just makes Sony PlayMemories Home unrealistic for anyone but the most basic beginners. Nikon’s strategy on their software is to allow you to see the focus point. That gives users an incentive to use their software as a viewer.

      Other complaint is that PlayMemories freezes a lot. I haven’t figured out why, but it’s not for lack of computing power. My system runs fast from a SSD, and my drive is connected via USB 3.0. Simple operations like moving folders causes it to freeze.

    2. More requests on PlayMemories Home:
      1. Assign a shortcut function key to Save Frame (4K screen grabs)
      2. Show all EXIF information in 4K videos. Not sure if EXIF metadata is even in the videos, but under Properties, it only shows a few basic items (frame rate, aspect ratio, video/audio codec, audio channels, GPS, etc). No ISO, aperture, nothing else.
      3. If EXIF metadata is recorded during video recording, then a screen grab should include the EXIF metadata too that shows the ISO, aperture etc of that particular screen grab.

    1. Which apps are you referring to? On April 26, 2016 the following apps were updated to support Uncompressed Raw:

      Smart Remote Control App (Ver. 4.20)
      Time Lapse App (Ver. 3.30)
      Lens Compensation App (Ver. 2.30)
      Multiple Exposure (Ver. 1.30)
      Bracket Pro (Ver. 1.50)

      If you’re referring to a different app, first check the current update notes to see if Uncompressed Raw has been added. If not, reply here and we’ll add that to the list.

  51. Already mentioned is that back button focus doesn’t work with apps, so if you’ve disabled AF with shutter button you need to switch to manual focus or exit the app to enable AF with shutter button.

    Also, when photos are transferred wirelessly to the phone app a dialog box appears saying “items copied” – you can’t do anything else, including transferring more photos, until you press “OK” to dismiss. The dialog box is redundant and should not appear, or should close after a few seconds. While in that screen, tapping the photo brings up a low resolution copy of the photo (on iPhone), need to go to the native Photos app to see the image properly.

    Finally, apps are laggy and slow on my A7RII – not quite unuseable, but almost so and well short of the user experience expected of a Sony product.

    Hope the feedback helps, I would love to see the apps feature fulfil its potential.

  52. If it’s possible to have an app like the one of Olympus
    Live Composite! for star trails , light painting, (you can stop it when the result is what you need) (they also have for free.. we have to pay but it deos not exist)
    Thanks Brian for make this discussion we hope it can help….

    1. My fear with Live composite is heat build-up. Olympus uses an itty-bitty Micro 43 sensor which doesn’t generate as much heat as a fullframe sensor that’s four times the size.

      I get that “it oughta be free” suggestion a lot, but the bottom line is that some apps like Smart Remote Control are free, giving the farm away for free doesn’t provide much incentive to invest resources in a project. I’m more concerned with fixin functionality than a free-for-all.

      It costs money to develop apps, so I’d simply like to see Sony be better at it (meaning supporting ALL Operating Systems and Browsers).

      1. If heat build up is the primary concern, Sony could perhaps include an option for the light trail app to stop at a maximum 1 minute mark. I know the a7Rii doesn’t shine when it comes to long exposures since I’ve experienced it first hand in Japan shooting a 15 minutes long exposure. But to totally deny this great app for this great camera is a shame.

  53. I know this one might be hard but Sony needs a better JPEG engine and some interesting profiles. The App ecosystem needs an urgent revamp and more partners. The guys from Mastin Labs, VSCO and others need to have a good platform and the A7 system could be the first to deliver that. Imagine choosing Kodak and Ilford profiles in camera. I’m not a JPEG shooter but there’s certainly a huge market for this. One of the reason people love the Fuji X system.
    One that would really change my current workflow and all shooters that use manual lenses, would be the ability to choose the focal length to be record on the file when using those lenses. It wouldn’t be that hard since we can already choose that on the I.S options.
    Overall faster and more responsive hardware (startup, playback, etc…) most critics of the A7 system are always on this, that the system is not responsive and feels sluggish.

  54. Ok, I’ve got one more. Just purchased my second A7RII and the process of adding my apps to it has to be done manually, one app at a time. It should be possible to elect all or some of my apps from a list and have them all install on the new camera, the user would not need to sit at the computer clicking buttons and waiting. An additional refinement would be if there was some way to transfer apps together with their individual settings so both cameras are identical.

  55. Your Issue:
    – It’s embarrassing to pay for simple functionalities on a 3k+ camera.
    – The system does not accept any payment method, on any browser or in-camera. Nothing. Give us the apps for free while this mess is being fixed.
    – Playmemories Is a slow, cumbersome, buggy, unprofessional ecosystem (even the name is bad) for a professional camera.
  56. Your Sony Camera Model Number
  57. Your Operating System
    Windows 10
  58. The Country Where You Reside

    Thanks Brian

    1. I finally (one day too late for my shoot) managed to buy an app. This is all I had to do, in case it helps somebody:
      – Set up my credit card and but from the camera. Nothing.
      – Set up my PayPal account and buy from the camera. Nothing.
      – Tried to add credit to the system from both Paypal and my credit card. Nothing.
      – Tried with other people’s credit cards. Nothing.
      – Looked for Playstation Network Prepaid cards, but the minimum in euros was 20, and the app costs €10. No way I am giving an extra cent to Sony after this mess. Nothing.
      – Tried to use the “add credit with your phone” option. My carrier was not supported. Nothing.
      – Created a Paysafecard account by giving them endless personal details and tried to top up my credit in order to transfer it later to my Sony account. I had to stop when they asked for security information of my bank account. Nothing.
      – Went out and looked for pakistani shops that sell Paysafecard credit in my city. The shopkeeper initially refused to accept my credit card because he was making almost no money on this crappy system. but finally proceeded and gave me a receit with a pin code. I went back home, logged back into Sony’s atrocious system, added credit with the pin number, went back to the camera, logged back into Sony’s atrocious system, browsed to the app, and managed to buy it!

      The app itself is ok, very slow and ages behind what Magic Lantern for Canon can do, but at least it works and I can now delete all the payment information this mayhem has forced me to share with dodgy companies.

      Shame on you, Sony.

  59. Upgrade Timelapse App required

    Hi Brian, I think it’s not so difficult to insert (one line more in the app) the possibility to zoom in or out from one angle to another different
    sure it can works only from the sony camera that have an electronic zoom control, but It can effective be done !
    So we have not only timelapse but also HIPERZOOM on camera !
    (camera example rx10 and rx100)

  60. Hi Brian –

    I just found this thread, and I am having issues even purchasing an app. I’m trying to buy the Light Trails app (for the compatible A5100), and I can’t even get it to take my money. It keeps giving me an internal error. I can’t charge the wallet, I can’t use paypal or a credit card. And the worst part is, I don’t know where to go for support on this. The support links take me to the playstation support.

    So I don’t know what to do next. I’ve bought apps before (specifically the Smooth Reflection app, purchased for the A6000), and even installed them on this A5100. The issue seems to be entirely about buying the app. I know you aren’t support for them, but do you know where to turn? Thanks so much.

    1. OK, I found a solution, although it is inelegant.

      I went to Amazon and bought a Playstation Store Gift Card. I added that to my wallet, and bought the app. It works! Hope this helps someone else.

  61. Your Issue
    Can not download any apps to my camera from my mac, I tried to download apps straight from the camera Via WIFI but then it told me I needed updates on my camera and needed to connect it to the play memories online. I went online and it has me repeatedly download the PMCA installer, which I have done over 5 times and still no luck on letting me log in and even have the option to download any apps.
  62. Your Sony Camera Model Number
  63. Your Operating System
  64. The Country Where You Reside

    Please help me out. i have wasted way too many hours trying to do this on my own.

  65. John Dimitrakopoulos

    Dear Brian, good morning from Greece. I own a Sony a6000 and I am really frustrated because Sony does not provide apps support in my country. I manage to download freeware apps creating a foreign account, but although I purchased a prepaid card for Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) I could not connect it with any playmemories apps account! Tragic!! The fact that Sony maintains four separate teams on the approximate same subject, tells all.
    Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

  66. Hi
    I work on mac OS 10.12 so no connection here. So i tried to install software within the camera itself which works fine until i reach the point where VISA asks for my password. You cannot access this field and enter the password like you do e.g. in the WIFI settings.
    Any idea?

    The camera is registered in Austria (EU) but i reside in the Caribbean right now.

    RX10 M3

  67. Anyone has problems with Smooth Reflection app on a6300?
    Only Custom setting work on my 6300 with selp18105g lens.

  68. I have a Sony a6000 and the photos that transfer to my Samsung android 6.0.1 stay in the app and don’t transfer to my gallery

  69. I would love it if an image taken with the Smooth Reflections or Sky HDR apps had some indication in the exif of the exposure settings. At the moment, there seems to be simply no record that helps identify which app has been used, or its settings.

  70. New purchaser of a6300. Terrible interface with Play Memories. Wants me to register with Home Entertainment Network–I want nothing to do with that. Can’t download app to camera keep getting error. Almost at the why both level of frustration. Will try Amazon gift card fix but shouldn’t have to do that. Is this why Sony is out of the PC business?

  71. Playmemories keeps crashing after a minute or two or as soon a large download is undertaken. I am with Windows 10 now but can remember Playmemories to be an issue invariably on all Sony VAIO PC’s I have owned since 2009… Not sure why I am still persisting…

  72. So far it has been almost impossible to purchase any apps since it refuses to accept any payment (credit card or PayPal) method. I’ve tried with Windows 7 (IE and Chrome), Windows 10 (IE and Chrome) and iPad IOS 10. It worked once on the iPad and allowed me to add $5 to the wallet. I tried to add a second $5 and it’s back to not working. This is an absolute joke for what’s supposed to be a “technology company.” Makes me wonder how many other bugs are buried in their products. I would definitively caution anyone considering a Sony camera so they know that these “magical” camera apps may be almost impossible to obtain.

  73. Ditto here. Either unable to purchase app because it won’t accept any payment or it keeps wanting to install the installer and then reboot. Shouldn’t that just need to happen once? I am not installing/rebooting again! After trying for hours/days to contact support I give up. At this point I feel Sony owes me about $1000 for my time. Am very disappointed!

  74. Some other observations regarding the Play memories joke of a site – If you try to add to the wallet from your credit card, you get an error that the CC info is incorrect. Yet it is not. And it doesn’t allow you to edit the info! So you can buy a $10 Playstation card from Amazon to pay for the app. But the total is 10.60! So you have to go an pay another $10 for a second card and then lose $9.40 (because that is not enough to pay for another app)…

    Sony a6300, OSX 10.12.2

  75. Hi again Brian,

    Thanks for all yr helps.
    – The main issue I am having is that the website said my master card number is wrong (which i got from Myanmar where I reside). So i can’t even download any apps.
    – I can’t install PMCA app on my macbook.
    – I am using A7R2.
    -I am from Myanmar.
    -I am using osX Yosemite in macbook pro 2015.
    Thank u.

  76. Thanks for the information. I’ve tried to purchase the Smooth Reflections app using a desktop, a laptop, and the built in WiFi on the A7RII. I get to the point of payment, but, then, I get “Internal Error” every time.

    OSX Sierra on the desktop.
    OSX El Capitan on the laptop.

  77. Henrik Garbrecht

    Play Memories Home crashes when trying to import image. I get an error saying Browser stopped and the program stops completely

  78. Sony’s purchasing system is absolutely horrible, and what’s amazing is that there seems to be a significant number of people experiencing the exact same issue for quite some time. Some of us buy Sony products with the intention of using the apps that they advertise as available yet to our surprise it appears Sony doesn’t want our money for their overpriced apps!

    I’ve tried multiple credit cards, paypal, and now the only solution that people seemed to have figured out does not work for me (redeem prepaid cards that have markup and currency exchange attached to them).

    Sort it out.

  79. Impossible to download time lapse app to NEX6 or a6000. Their excuse? Cannot guarantee compatibility with Windows 10! Is there any other kind? I will never purchase anything Sony gain.

  80. Is the bug fixed? The pmca not running after installation.(mine is window 10)…the browser keeps pop up with update the software window…….and worse part is the camera software for my Sony a7rii also can’t verify….really hate it

  81. I am currently having an issue with an “internal error” when attempting to finalize the purchase of the Smooth Reflections app. The camera account is registered in the US and so is the payment method (CC); however, I currently reside in Spain. I tried by Wifi and with cable and with the cable I couldn’t even get the camera to connect to the computer via the instructions posted on another blog post on this blog. When I clicked connect camera and agree to conditions it went as if it was loading then reverted back to the previous screen as if nothing had happened.

    It is certainly very frustrating that Sony has not made any public response to the issue and acknowledged that they are working to fix these problems. As someone else has mentioned, if you are going to nickel and dime for functionality that could otherwise build the power of your brand by including them for free then at least make it easy for us to pay and utilize.

  82. Brian, I am so glad I found your site. Here is what I just wrote on the Apple store about the PlayMemories 5.8.0 debacle. If they listen to you, maybe they’ll fix it. (There are actually two reviews; I don’t think the first one ever made it to the Store, but this is actually good, because it gives you a feel for how I feel about the previous version as opposed to this one. It used to be a pleasure to go out shooting. Now, I don’t know….)

    * * *

    First, Sony has put all the controls at the right AND YOU CAN’T HIDE THEM. So I don’t really have the IPad Pro’s 12-inch screen, I have 12 inches minus the width of the stupid controls, less than 9 inches. WTF?

    Second, THE CONTROLS ARE TIME-WASTING. It takes multiple taps to make changes of more than one stop or shutter speed or ISO, when it used to take one tap and one swipe.


    It looks to me like Sony decided to treat the iPad like a big phone, which it isn’t. I got the Pro for precisely for big screen, as seen below, WHICH THE IDIOTS AT SONY ARE NOW PREVENTING ME FROM TAKING ADVANTAGE OF.

    Sony should reverse or fix horrid upgrade at once. It makes the iPad owner’s PlayMemories experience painful instead of pleasurable.


    Old review seems never to have posted. Was 5 stars, now is 1.

    I use PM with an iPad Pro as a viewfinder and a Sony QX1, so for me the touch focus works great. Camera controls are fine, though my needs are simple. File transfer works fine — automatically to my iPad and Photos, then via cable to my Mac for the RAW files. The counter for photos remaining is very appreciated


    1) Still too easy for controls to interfere with image and touch focus. Consider a slide out tab like LightRoom

    2) Consider a Night Preview mode to make it easier to focus in low light

    3) Add a Cancel Shot button in case the frame changes in the midst of the WiFi transmission and I want to take a new shot

    4) Do what you can to speed up photo transmission from QX1 to iPad

    5) Ideally, software tilt-shift like a view camera. Would be dynamite with the iPad Pro.

    6) If RAW permits, let me add tags in camera

    7) Let me save a focus point, again for low light shooting

    8) Don’t make me leave the shot to change settings. Make them a slide out tab too

    9) Preview thumbnail should be complete image, not a square

    10) Select All button in gallery, for deletions

    In general, I’ve been working with PM for a year and it’s fine. I just wish it felt slick, good to use, like Sony equipment.

  83. I have a new Sony a6500. I have been able to get the smart remote working on my camera, but the only options the play memories app gives me on my iPhone and iPad is control over exposure compensation, zoom & taking a photo. There are no options for control over any of the functions of the camera whatsoever. Has the app been changed so that it simply a fancy viewfinder or are the camera functions hidden?
    The app looks like something that was designed for cheap consumer based camera. Even the name of the app is weak. Play Memories? Come on.

  84. unable to download purchased two apps to my camera from playmemories camera app store via MAC and WIFI – both aren’t working,

    i can download firmware without any problems via MAC OS sierra, its just the apps i could not …. tried to use camera to connect wifi which is fine but would not let me go any further than screen to log on with error message on “unable to connect to wifi, please check date/time/area setting”

    Model: A7 ii
    Country UK

  85. I have entered the correct date and time and month and year and area of country. And yet still doesn’t work for me.

    1. That’s all I can suggest. I’ve never seen that error message but it would seem to apply to Time/Date settings on either the camera or smartphone/tablet.

  86. Bonjour
    I’m from France, have a ILCE7S and a A6300.
    Windows 10 Chrome and IE, but impossible to download the tool on my pc. In the 4 step help program I do not pass step 2.

    Thanks for your book M. Smith

    1. Thank you Abram. I sat down with Sony’s head of Interchangeable Lens Cameras this week and brought up these issues. Hopefully they will get fixed quickly.

  87. Oh good. I’m not losing my mind. I just spent several hours (I will never get back) trying to install Digital Filter. First, it helps to know I have my payment preference selected in my account. Secondly, my camera is connected to the USB port on my updated iMac. Frustration begins when I click on Proceed to Purchase. I am taken through a promising procedure that allows me to “install” and restart my computer–6 times. The message comes: Installation complete. Only no app is installed, no indicator of how to pay is offered. I use Firefox if that is a clue. OS Sierra, Version 10:12:3. Any help?

      1. That should be fixed along with all the other problems.

        It’s good to know that you can use Safari as a workaround, but any well-made website supports Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. It doesn’t require special code for each: a well-made website will automatically support all of them.

        1. Oh, I see that you’re referring to a plugin. That’s a bit different.

          Firefox and Chrome have both disabled NPAPI plugins because, in their words, “[its] 90s-era architecture has become a leading cause of hangs, crashes, security incidents, and code complexity.”

          So it’s not quite so clear-cut, but still probably about time to find an alternative solution.

  88. Hi got a Sony 6000 playmemeries go to the iPad but not to the libery,or dosent give me any chooses to send forward

  89. Your Issue:
    When connecting Camera to tablet, PlayMemories Mobile is unable to connect: there is no wifi on cam…, no way at all to see what’s on cam…. so I use original galery app.
    And beside Playmemories Cloud no other of PM available.
    My issue here (and so far off topic): can’t delete photos on cam using this way, not all come in fullscreen – some stay small. But importing is fine.
  90. Your Sony Camera Model Number:
    Cybershot RX100 (1st version)
  91. Your Operating System:
    Android 5.0.1 refurbished by lenovo
  92. The Country Where You Reside:

    1. Are you first connecting in the WiFi settings of your tablet and entering the password?

      Or do you mean you’ve already done this and get a spinning “Connecting” message? If so, that actually means “Connected”.

  93. Hi, I recently bought an A7R2 and reading this forum I’m surprised that Sony makes software so bad for their apps, which seem many times made by fans, you just have to compare them, for example, with Olympus to see the differences. However what I would like, if you are so kind to pass it on to Sony engineers is that just as iOS and Android support is supported, please also support GNU / Linux, so that software can be updated And install the applications from this operating system. It’s all, thank you very much for your attention.

  94. Hi, that’s an interesting list of issues – makes mine look insignificant. Play memories on line – always freezes, I gave up & uninstalled. What I am currently interested in is running two apps consecutively on my A6000. HDR is a nice tool, but difficult to get a really good result using the viewfinder or rear screen. It would be great to be able to run the remote app & HDR at the same time so the picture could be composed on my iPad screen. But I have not found a way to run both apps concurrently. Basically I love my A6000’s performance, but think that this would be a great enhancement.

  95. After updating OS X version from 10.12.X -> 10.12.4 importing pictures via Play Memories Home doesn’t work anymore. The camera isn’t detected (switched usb modes through all available options Auto, Mass Storage, some other thing, and Remote Control). It doesn’t detect it at all. Tried also the “import” functionality in PMH – still no go. Transferring pictures to phone still works via Play memories mobile.

    OS: OS X 10.12.4
    Camera: Sony Alpha a6000 3.20 Firmware
    Play Memories Home 3.3.00
    Residing in the Netherlands.

  96. Thank you Brian, for the information. I am one of those from a country that doesn’t exist (South Africa). i am desperately trying to purchase the time lapse app but I am unable to as they don’t distribute here. I have a Sony Alpha 7. It’s an awesome camera but i would love to be able to purchase some of the apps to enhance its ability. Maybe Sony can start making their actual apps available on Google Play as opposed to going through their web page (their mobile playmemories app is available there so why not the camera apps? Please see what you can do, thank you.

      1. Well as far as I am concerned its a non-existent system! Their help desks are also non-existent every tie I try write in (i.e. fill out the contact form to completion and click on ‘submit’) the website says that the page does not exist and I must have typed in an incorrect URL. Hardware great, support none!

        1. I’m doing my best to pass all these issues along to people who can fix them. I’m not certain they were aware how badly the system functions if you’re not already set-up in the system.

  97. Figured out why the camera wasn’t recognized anymore on my Macbook after updating it to OS X 10.12.4.
    Turns out the OS update had nothing to do with it. It was the USB cable used. I was using the USB cable received with the camera (and btw, the cable is in very good shape, basically new – no bends, no issues with it) but for some reason the mac wouldn’t recognize the camera (it wouldn’t even detect that something’s connected. I tried with both usb ports my macbook has). Then I tried on a windows 10 machine – again same problem. Win wouldn’t detect the camera at all.

    And then I switched to a 3rd party USB cable and presto! it worked. It worked on win10 and also the mac. So problem solved for me.

  98. Small solution to the ‘time lapse’ issue for those who according to Sony don’t exist and therefore aren’t able to access the apps store to purchase them. If you hook up your camera to your computer you would be able to access the ‘remote camera control’. As long as the camera is set to ‘single shot’ it has a time lapse function. You can set it to a minimum of 1 frame every ten seconds and then define how many frames you need in order to make the time lapse desired. It’s a bit cumbersome as you have to have your camera hooked up to your computer while doing this. But it does work!

  99. I’m on Mac Sierra 10.12.3 I have TWO Sony A7r2s which are being recognized online. I live in the US and cannot download the app. When I try to order (after an hour of trying to get the very unfriendly wallet system to work) I get the ‘internal error’ message whether it’s online or on my camera. I cannot believe what a clusterfuck this is. How insensitive can a company be to its customers? I’m on my second day of working with this. Hours of my time wasted. Very frustrating. Maybe they do this to sell more cameras because last night I was ready to throw the damn thing against the wall. I’m done. Please notify me when the bastards fix this. I would love to purchase some apps.

  100. I am on a world bicycle tour with my Sony Alpha 7s and a Sony Alpha 6000. Since I am travelling solo I use a tripod and Sony Timelapse app on my cameras to take pictures of me cycling far away from the camera. Currently, the Timelapse app offers only a maximum initial delay of 2 seconds so a lot of my shots are wasted before I am even in the scene. I wish the app offers a longer/customizable initial delay. Similarly, the auto timer on the camera has 2 sec and 10 sec delay. Why not make it customizable or offer 30/60 seconds? On countless occasion, I needed a longer delay but I had to rush to be in the scene simply because of the 10-second limit. Please forward my suggestions to Sony. Thanks

  101. I know this is an old post but I have a problem with the Time-lapse app.
    1. You cannot adjust settings while shooting so you can’t ramp so you can’t shoot “holy grail” sunsets and sunrises.
    2. If you are shooting more than one timelapse and want to keep each one in a separate folder, you have to exit the application to create a new folder and set it as a record folder then re launch the application which takes extremely long time and is annoying.

  102. Your Sony Camera Model Number = Sony A7sii
  103. Your Operating System = Mac OS x 10.12.4
  104. The Country Where You Reside – traveling
  105. I recently purchased a new Sony a7rii. While I was downloading an app to the camera it completely died. My battery was fully charged. I tried all suggested steps but the camera will not take a picture and the screen just shows static. I’m not sure if it was a function of downloading the app or the camera itself? Luckily I am still under warranty and will be sending it back today.

  106. Hi,
    I just downloaded Bracket Pro.
    I’m surprised to see that in shutter speed mode, the aperture is usually changed for one of the shots, too. This, of course, degrades the final effect when the images are combined for the HDR image since, except for flat scenes, in-focus areas will change.
    Is that a bug or some kind of “intelligent” behavior?

    Camera: RX100 III
    Firmware rev.: 2.0
    App. version: Bracket Pro 1.52

    Thanks in advance…

    1. Assuming that you’re referring to the BRK-TV setting, I would imagine that would only happen if the range you select goes above or below the native shutter speed range of RX100 III.

      1. Thanks for jumping in, Brian.

        Yes, it’s the BRK-TV setting with the camera set in shutter priority mode.
        I fear it’s not a problem with out of range values.

        Here are some examples, with a 1 f-stop bracketing so it’s just a question of halving and doubling the base speed, set at 1/80 sec (all with fixed ISO 160):
        – 1/80, F3.5; 1/160, F3.5; 1/40, F5.0 <<<
        – 1/80, F11; 1/160, F8.0 <<<; 1/40, F11
        – 1/80, F2.5; 1/160, F2.5; 1/40, F3.5 <<<

        As you'll see, everything is well within the range of shutter speeds and f-stops of the RX100 III.
        Since I installed the app, yesterday, I've carried out dozens of tests and I've never been able to get the same F-stop in the three shots.

        My aim is to use it for interior design HDR photography to even out an occasional bright window or dark corner, so this glitch should not affect me very much but, still, it looks like a software bug to me.

        I don't want to clutter this chat but I don't know if there's an 'official' channel to let Sony know about this.

          1. That was my first thought, but when BRK-TV is selected, it won’t let you use anything but S mode.
            If you’re in a different mode, it displays a warning “Unavailable in this shooting mode. Switch to S mode”

            I don’t know what the behaviour is on other camera models. It might be a problem of the app itself or of the combo app+RX100III (rev 2.0).

            Anyway, I thank you very much for your time on this issue… It’s not a life-and-death problem though!

  107. So, if I have a current MacBook Pro and a Windows10 desktop there is currently no way to update or buy apps for imy new 7RII??

  108. Hi Brian, through my search I couldn’t find any answers to my app issue. I’m using A6300 with the Play memories app on my iPhone 6s. Connecting to the camera via app and Wi-Fi isn’t a problem. When connected as a smart remote, I only am able to adjust the EV and 2″ timer. No other controls show, shutter, f stop, ISO, etc. USA

  109. I am Robert Hayden in Tennessee with a Sony HDR-CX330E downloading video to a Dell PC with Windows 10 on PlayMemories. All works well till I try to share on Facebook. Five minute videos transfer, but only the 1st 2 minutes, nothing more. I can view the full 5 min on Memories, have even used the editing, so am wondering if the problem is with Memories? Facebook? or me ?

    1. That’s not exactly a Camera Apps question, but I suspect that Facebook has a time limit to prevent users from using up too much bandwidth with a single video.


    Version 5.9 Playmemories Mobile App on LG V20 Verizon Model Android 7.0
    Camera My new A6500

    Problem #1
    If you change screens on phone then you try to go back to the PMMA using the recent apps scree it is listed but never opens just goes back to the home screen. It still shows if I look back, but still can’t return. I need to launch from the Icon again. Terrible BUG

    No option is showing for the location linkiing services.
    I have connected Direct Wifi to the camera
    I have paired the camera to phone in BT setttings.
    The App acts like no such feature is possible.

    The 5.9 version feels like it was a bad build, maybe using some of the wrong code libraries etc.

  111. I need to see a live histogram while shooting with my Sony a7rII and Play Memories. Also need to see a histogram on “captured images”

  112. France, A7SII, Issue: No Picture Profile available with the Remote Control app (on Samsung 5S/Iphone 4S/Samsung Tab2/Ipad Pro)

    Hi Brian
    I could really use the remote control app (gimbal or second monitor for the camera) if only we could choose different video modes . We cannot choose the recording mode (xavcs hd or 4K) once we are inside the app but most of all, we cannot choose the gamma and colour range. Is it planned to be able to choose the gamma curve (slog3, cine4, slog2 at least) ? If there were also the colour mode (sgamut3 cine) that would be amazing.

    1. This issue is still a shame for this app, it’s making the app worthless when it comes to video recording 🙁

  113. Brian,
    Is there any progress to report from Sony on plans to update/enhance play memories? My initial experiences with it were so bad I have avoided it like the plague. I really liked the idea when I bought my A7ii that I would be able add features, but most the the apps I see seem to be just toys. One feature I would really like to see, either in a play memories app or firmware is in camera addition of GPS data to photos. Given a camera with WiFi and a nearby smart phone, it doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch for the camera to request geo coordinates within a reasonable time after taking a shot and adding that to pictures. I loved having that data on my A77 and hate having to run a separate app on my smart phone and sync everything up in an external app afterwards.

  114. Hi Brian,

    I have been using two a6000s for a while and recently decided to shoot tethered for a few reasons. I copped an iPad Mini 4 for this purpose.

    The process to update the app on the camera was very clunky, apparently due to some sort of conflict with firefox. whatever – I figured that out eventually, using Chrome.

    I think the obvious flaws that have been mentioned here are…obvious, so I won’t drill down on those. Having to give the app its own set of instructions regarding file type, etc.

    One particular thing that is really a bummer vs. using the camera alone, or, say, CamRanger for other makes: no auto bracketing within the remote app.

    In my workflow, where I generally composite ambient + flash for shots of spaces, I shoot several brackets of my ambient shots for a few reasons.

    I know they have Bracket Pro and charge for it, so maybe that will be a problem including something like that (but hopefully better) into the remote app, which is free.

    I don’t know.

    But I DO know that bracketing is a big deal for a lot of people and not having it with this app is a bummer.

    Can I manually fumble with my iPad to adjust for my various brackets? Sure. I will have to. But one of the reasons I decided to invest in a tethering setup was to expedite my shoots and manually choosing exposures for a bracket set, especially on a shoot that can include hundreds of shots that have to be processed in various ways – that’s not going to help expedite my workflow.

  115. Benjamin Jones

    Playmemories Home app on Windows is rubbish… it basically hangs for 1/2hr before it decides whether it’s going to hang indefinitely or not. If it DOES load, it often crashes before it finishes importing. I like using the app because it’s import feature does a great job of only imporing objects since the prior import.
    I’m using a Sony A6000 on a beefy AF Windows 10 Machine, based in the USA

  116. I shelled out bigtime for a Sony a9 and love the camera but am appalled at how poor the Android playmemories app is. I’m looking to use it as a remote shutter release and to be able to set camera settings from the remote (like I can for my Panasonic GX8). I can’t even change the focus point from the app. In some of my shooting situations I can’t actually be close to the camera. Half the time I get “could not shoot” errors because auto-focus isn’t working well enough. I truly expected a professional grade app for a professional grade camera – especially at that price point.

  117. Thanks Brian great post, thanks wasn’t able to download apps onto my A7R2 with internet explorer on windows 10 changed search engine to chrome and no problem many thanks.

  118. Hi, thank you for helping.
    I have a Mac OS Sierra Version10.12.5
    I connect my Sony CyberShot and PlayMemories opens. I click Import. The import is done. I disconnect.
    Now is the problem: I now receive the beach ball of death and cannot access my photos.
    I’d love if you’re able to help.

  119. I’ve wasted incredible amounts of time and money setting up timelapses in difficult to access locations, such as underwater, only to have the timelapse app randomly quit long before it’s shot the desired number of photos. I’ve tested this extensively and it’s definitely a bug. Sometimes it works, sometimes not – even with the exact same settings and lenses attached. Batteries are not dying, the app just stops shooting. I’m shooting with an A7RII. The timelapse app is poorly designed in a number of ways but it needs to at least not randomly stop shooting. Thanks for collecting these reports!

  120. I am unable to add camera apps onto my Alpha a7 on the camera itself. When I try to log into my account on the camera I get a network error saying the server can’t be contacted. My connection is fine but it keeps kicking me out. I am in the U.K.

  121. Your Issue……. Lens comp is not saving the settings.
  122. Your Sony Camera Model Number……A7rm2
  123. Your Operating System……Mac sierra
  124. The Country Where You Reside……UK

    I download the apps to my camera over the internal WI-FI as this eliminates the OS problems.
    The app is not saving the settings consistantly, if I set a lens up it does not show the peripheral shading settings selected, it does show and retain the Chromatic settings, it does not show and retain the distortion settings.

  125. Apps region locked in most if the world but doesn’t keep them from selling the hardware there (israel in my case)

    1. Apps are sold over the PlayMemories network which unfortunately isn’t available in certain countries due to government regulations. I’m hoping Sony finds a different way to sell their camera apps.

  126. Christopher O'Grady

    I find it incredibly frustrating that you cannot use the actual viewfinder when using the smart remote. Coming from Canon and Camranger I could give my client my iPad and let them wirelessly review images in real time. If I want to do that with my A7Rii I can’t use the camera viewfinder so I have to shoot in live view. Why does the app disable the camera viewfinder? I can tether to C1, but then I’m tethered to my laptop. Sorry if this is ranty, but it makes no sense why they would disable the camera viewfinder to use the app… Is there anyone at all complaining about this so I can expect them to address it?

    1. Update: With the A9 you can use the viewfinder with playmemories. It would be responsible of Sony to give this professional feature as an update for previous versions since it’s most likely software and not hardware related and an oversight during design. I guess we won’t see this as an update for the A7Rii, that’s not Sony’s style…

  127. The fundamental problem with playmemories is that you have to boot the camera into a special mode with cut down features to operate it. The iPad becomes the brain and the camera the slave. This is not the case with Camranger. Camranger is just a wireless controller for the camera and you have full control of all the internal camera features when using it. Sony has really crippled the usb connectivity of the camera with “PC Remote” not saving to the internal SD card compared to Canon and Nikon. I would do anything short of moving back to Canon to use Camranger again. Right now it’s the only main sacrifice you have to make if you want to move to Sony. (yelled into the wind).

  128. Playmemories Home (Windows 10 PC) crashes constantly. I can’t really be certain what is causing the crashes, since just leaving it open and doing nothing will cause it. Going into Settings causes it. Opening Playmemories Online in the app causes it. I haven’t tried, but I’m pretty sure sneezing would cause it. It would be nice if it just worked. I’m on the verge of uninstalling.

  129. Hello,

    Yesterday, I purchased the Lens Compensation App after reading the Specifications, Manual, and Notices and Warnings pages. After installing, I noticed that picture profiles are not supported by the app and wasn’t mentioned in any of the above pages. I wanted to use the app for movies, and without picture profiles supported, the app is useless to me. I’d like a refund but Sony apparently doesn’t offer them with Camera Apps. The next best thing is to request that they add this feature. Thanks for having this page up, and for hopefully passing along the word!

    Camera: A6300
    OS: Mac OS 10.10
    Country: USA

  130. Hello, I purchased Smooth Reflection App, just the custom theme works, non of the others.

    Camera: Sony a6500
    OS: Mac 10.13
    Country: USA

  131. Another thing that drives me crazy is that you cannot review the images in camera when tethered to Playmemories. The brightness of your iPad or other mobile device varies as it’s not generally calibrated for brightness the way the camera screen or desktop monitor would be. I turn the brightness up on my iPad all the time to use other apps. I need to be able to review the images on the camera while I shoot to double check exposure and critical focus. It’s incredibly important that they fix this.

  132. Just purchased Smooth Reflection app yesterday. I used it to shoot with my A6300 and it worked just fine. Today I tried to shoot again and the app didn’t work. It would take a shot but the image wouldn’t even get saved to my image gallery. I was using my Sigma 50mm lens so figured maybe it was an incompatible lens. Tried again with my 16-55mm Sony and it still didn’t work.

  133. With the announcement of the A7rIII, Play Memories, and therefore the apps, are no longer available. We must appeal to Sony to not abandoned Play Memories and the in-camera apps. I am a huge fan of the smooth reflection app as are many photographers, especially those on the forum. Someone passed along this posting as a possible place to let Sony know that they should not kill apps like smooth reflection in new cameras like the A7rIII and A9.

    The smooth reflection app is so good that I don’t bring Neutral Density filters with me any more. I simply fire up the app and choose the number of images I want to stack for the desired affect. We need to save this app. I’m considering holding off upgrading to the A7rIII because of this.

    1. 99% of the complaints I’ve received here are about Play Memories. I suppose the people who like them don’t necessarily take the time to speak up until they are gone, but I’ve passed that along.

  134. Yes, I am also a big fan of the smooth reflections app. Wonderful to provide one raw file for 128 shots. Never used a ND filter once on a recent trip with A7rII. I want the A7rIII but will very much miss that app.

  135. I am having issues out of nowhere sharing images from my cameras to my phone. Never had problems, now I am shooting with three bodies, two a7rii’s and an a6300. I keep getting a connection error.

  136. So if I have the updated Mac OS operating system, there’s no way for me to download this app onto my a7sII? I’ve downloaded the PlayMemories app onto my computer, but the sony website doesn’t recognize that I have it and when I attempt to purchase the TimeLapse app, it tells me to download the app installer again.

  137. Sony alpha 7R iii – iPhone with firmware iOS Version 11.1.2 – For Bluetooth (so I can get GPS data), PLayMemories Mobile (most recent versions, downloaded ) the iPhone is supposed to be set in Setting/Privacy/Location Information to allow access “Always.” OK, but… when I go to Location Services on the iPhone, PlayMemories Mobile is not showing up at all on the list of apps. And there’s a “News” note from Sony announcing tae iOS 10 is now supported! It means that I can’t actually use this very nice feature in the a7R iii. Is this another example of Sony being glacially slow to update it app?

  138. A6000 with Mac os 10.12.6. On Brian’s advice I have deliberately not upgraded. Play memories is ultra frustrating. I cannot even avoid the hassle of taking the SD card out of the camera (additional frustration ‘cos it is the wrong way round) and putting it in my Mac and then back again when I have down loaded. PM works, slowly, with a direct connection but absolutely not via wifi.
    On wifi I get a message saying I do not have enough access privileges to download. On my own Mac? When I am the administrator? So perhaps it is to do with the connection. How do I sort this out? I have never ever seen the QR code referred to in the instructions and doing the whole thing by hand, apart from taking forever, just does not seem to work. Surely Sony can do better than this. btw I have just installed the Nov 17 update. No change.

    1. Sounds like you’re referring to PlayMemories Home as opposed to PlayMemories Camera Apps. If so, I prefer the old school way of simply downloading images off the card into a folder on the computer and/or external drive using a memory card reader – not WiFi.

      WiFi is the perfect way to move an image or two while on location – but when you need to download a 64GB card nothing beats a memory card reader!

  139. Bought a Cybershot a few years ago. Great camera, but despite being touted as having WiFi capabilities for picture transfer, I have never been able to get it to connect. Enter Playmemories, which I have tried to download on both my smartphone and Kindle, but every time I try, it tells me that there is an error, and that’s that. Although I think the camera is excellent, Don’t has everything tied up in their own little monopolised world, so that when their software craps out, you have no other way to go. I will NEVER buy another Sony product again.

    1. That’s one I haven’t run into. I’ve got PlayMemories Mobile on both iPhone and iPad and both downloaded easily. I assume since you said Kindle you mean the Android version. If so, there was an Andoid OS that took a while for Sony to support, but all Android OS are supported now. You might get want to try again.

  140. I buy software from Sony, install it, and sometime later, time lapse disappeared. Now I have to fork over money to buy the software again. Wish I had a setup up like that, I could make a fortune !

  141. PlayMemories camera app not working at Sony A 6500 shutter speed & iso
    iPhone 6 version 11.1.2 (15B202)
    My country name is Pakistan

  142. Sony QX-30 camera connecting to Android 7.0 phone. The speed between shots is abysmal. Maybe it is the camera’s fault, but I believe it is more likely the app’s fault.


  143. Its surprising to buy a camera with the advanced technology of the RC 10 MIV only to discover that some of its functions are not available because of the severe limitations of the Play Memories software. I’m not even sure if it is compatible with iPhone OS 11. i can’t get close to making a Bluetooth connection, and though I can almost get there with WiFi, in the end . . . I can’t. It’s not that hard to take out the SD card to move the photos to my computer, but it would have been nice mark their location by linking them to my iPhone GPS (a strange lacking in the camera itself), and to be able to send them off immediately to friends, rather than wait until I get back from a trip. It certainly doesn’t speak well for Sony. This weakness should be mentioned in all reviews.

  144. Not sure if this thread is still active.

    I’ve got an A6300, and am using the app on an Android phone. The remote basics are fine – I can zoom in and out and take photos. But I don’t see the options to control anything more e.g. aperture which I read is supposed to be available. My camera was not in auto mode. I’m from Singapore.

  145. Happy new year everyone!

    I know I’m a year late to the party and my concerns have already been addressed by other comments but I figure the more people that contribute to the conversation the more seriously Sony will take the feedback.

    My biggest gripe is that each app feels like it exists in a vacuum, unaware or uncaring of the existing camera’s settings and customizations. As another user mentioned, it feels like booting into another OS. A stripped down, crippled, clumsy version of the Camera’s OS. Between the app not saving custom buttons, randomly remapping buttons, and not importing existing settings, the final result feels like you’re fighting the camera instead of working with it. I love Sony cameras so much, but that feeling of fighting their camera software to make it do what you want is ever present.

    If they would just make the app an extra tab that integrates to the existing menu structure instead of forcing the app to hijack the entire camera it would be an INFINITELY more enjoyable experience to to use the apps.

    1. Well the solution will come soon.
      The A7R III, will be the beginning of something new, as it does not work with the old apps.

        1. I would pay good money to have been a fly on the wall during the app project planning meetings.

          Brian, do you have any inside info as to why apps have the terrible architecture they do? There must have been something that forced them to make drastic compromises. I refuse to believe this was the best design they could come with with.

          1. You actually guessed the problem. The PlayMemories teams (that’s right there are FOUR of them) are separate from the camera design team. So basically they have worked in a vacuum and in my opinion they made several crucial mistakes like including separate settings within the app rather than relying upon camera settings.

            I’m hoping there’s a new system in the future that’s better integrated to the camera settings and available for purchase Worldwide rather than only in PlayMemories countries.

  146. Hi there!
    My new year is starting miserably, I have to say… I was just about to install an app on my newly purchased A6000. The first big issue was to create an account to be able to log in the Playmemoriesapps-Site (in German, as I live in Germany). After many, many tries with different browsers on my Mac, I could finally install the pmcadownloader.plugin (in Safari, on a Mac running High Sierra). I had to allow for third-party software in the safety settings – had I only not done this! After the requested restart the systems doesn’t start anymore at all, not even in safety mode. The Sony support guy on the phone was not really helpful – he told me to fix my computer before he could help me installing the app… Thank you, Sony, for ruining my day!

    1. Yup, on Macs you need to enable: System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Allow apps downloaded from: App Store and identified Developers

      That’s an Apple thing – not Sony.

  147. I can’t seem to edit my raw photos on playmemories and cannot convert the file. This comes on the heels of getting my new A6300 and right out of the box having malfunction with the lens….hope this is just a false start.

  148. Sony A6000 and Mac OS High Sierra Nightmare – got the PMCA App installed using Safari – but now the Play Memory Store does not recognize my camera. It says: Please connect – although the PM Home App started …

    Then I tried downloading direct from the camera – Connected to WIFI sucessfully (thanks WPS), but now it says: No connection to the server possible.

    So no way for me into the App Store from Germany.

    This is so irritating – got the impression some hobby students made an app during summer holidays 2008 – and then never touched it again.

    I am a huge Sony Camera fan (owning a RX100 for years now) – but the APP store experience is ridicolous – and hurts Sonys brand reputation in my eyes.

    So no Apps for me now – just wanted the remote for my iphone.

    Thanks for taking so much care Brian! 🙂


    1. Unfortunately PlayMemories Home is a completely separate platform from PlayMemories Camera Apps. The current PlayMemories Camera App platform uses the PlayStation network for paid apps which is not available in all countries – however I’d think it would be in Germany. It’s my hope that Sony is working on a better platform for camera apps.

  149. My issues are:

    – whenever I connect my a6000 to the computer and turn it on, it will disconnect my wireless keyboard and I can’t move forward with anything. I have to do a hard reset on my computer, which I hate doing.

    – it won’t recognize the media in Photos if I just want to import them that way to avoid the PlayMemories software.

    I’m using a Mac and this is incredibly frustrating!

  150. many of my photos have disappeared from my thumbnail screen on Play Memories Home. They are replaced by a white box with a grey x in the middle.
    Importing ‘new’ photos does not bring them back, so they must be there somewhere.
    I have Windows 10 and a Sony RX100 camera.
    I live in Canada
    What do you suggest?
    Thank you

  151. I’ve been wanting to use the smooth reflection app from playmemories and so now I’ve updated to an A7Riii I tried to purchase the app but no matter what I did I couldn’t seem to pay for it or download it. Having searched at length for some help on this issue it transpires that Sony have not made playmemories apps available to the A7Riii but apparently they don’t want to explain why or what if anything they intend replacing the camera apps with.

  152. I love my Sony CamCorders but get very frustrated with the “almost there but not quite” performance of PlayMemories Home.

    I can find no confirmation in forum and web searches but it appears that PlayMemories will not show hi-res images. Two pictures taken moments apart from the same camera appear in the PlayMemories calendar view thumbnails OK for the 2.9MB image but as a blank with a broken icon for the 25.2MB 5856×3888 pixel shot. All “broken” images are JPG formats taken from my Samsung phone.

  153. I have the sony a7ii, using smart remote on an android phone (GS7). It used to show me options to change the shutter speed, the ISO, and the aperture, after updating my firmware to 4.0 yesterday (I was forced to, in order to use the timelapse app) the remote control app doesn’t show any options, even if the camera is in manual mode! It only shows the shutter button, and the exposure correction (-5 to +5). That’s it!
    I don’t know if it is the update or something else, but that’s the only that that has changed, aside from the other newly installed apps (also installed touchless shutter).
    Please help.

  154. Is there a reason my a9 doesn’t have double exposure,other than “not supported”? Considering it’s adoption by weddding photographers and the fact that other brands have it at the same level. Seems like a big omission and one that’s really hacked me off.

    1. That was probably due to negative feedback to Sony Play Memories Camera Apps on previous cameras. Unfortunately no one ever had anything positive to say about Camera Apps until they were gone.

      1. Thanks for the reply Brian. I dont think the blame should be with us – sony could have got it sorted – they just chose not to. If theyve pulled it to start again then thats great and would be welcomed across the board. We have become accustomed to apps that work, sony has enough money so what is going on?

        1. In short, those who liked camera apps were silent while those who hated them were VERY vocal. Sony listened to customers – but positive feedback was missing from the discussion.

  155. And my when connected to my galaxy s8 I can’t focus with the play memories mobile app. Which renders it totally useless. So many fails it drives me up the wall.

  156. I bought sony apps for a sony a6000 and one nice day I turned on my camera and the apps were not there.

  157. If there was a way to use the PlayMemories app while recording video on a custom PP setting, I would be overjoyed. Being able to use an iPad as a field monitor while creating content would be a dream. It’s so close! Why cant they just make a few simple adjustments! 🙁

  158. ivair castel camargo

    Hi… I bought a camera two years ago, now I m triyng to install the program in the computer but at the end of installation a message appeared:not possible to finish the complete installation “MergeModule_x86” failed.
    try again
    Unfortunatelly there is no support for Brasil
    camera model HDR PJ340
    I m running windows 7

  159. I got Play Memories Mobile to add location information from an I-phone 7 but I’ve never been successful in connecting to my A6500, even to transfer a photo. The version of PMM is 6.2.0 but Sony support told me it’s not “certified” for the latest Apple IOS 11.2.6. So they can’t help me. Anyone else having this issue?

  160. Sony Alpha II. I always transfer pictures to my Samsung S8 via the app. I transferred several the other day with wifi as usual then I tried to transfer more less than an hour later. It would not connect, and it still will not connect. I have removed and reinstalled the app several times. A ‘news’ item shows up in the app now to connect via wifi before opening the app, but it does not work this way either. It says ‘connection may not be available’. I do not see where there was an app update in the last few days. Aggravating.

        1. Aha, THAT may be the issue. New Full Versions of any OS are almost always incompatible. My advice is to WAIT to upgrade any OS until it’s listed as compatible.

          1. The Google Play store information says it is 8.0 supported. I had just used it an hour before with no issues. The new part is says can control devices via access point. I think this issue is caused by that change.

  161. Hello Brian,
    I can’t install the smart remote control on my camera since in a not support country. Finding it quite unpleasant. They really should find another way to make this available to all sony camera owners. Thanks.

  162. My current gear is a ILCE 6500 and it’s companion video camera FDR-AX53…same systems and both 4K capable although I’ll never use it. I started with an ILCE 6000 when they came out but never had any problems because I wasn’t shooting RAW and Play Memories Home didn’t offer any editing software. Now I shoot everything in RAW and the new RAW editor in the current Version seemed excellent until I started to edit my Videos. I have an ASUS running Windows 10 -64 bit OS. I was spending the last 9 months in Cancer treatment and never had time to touch either camera……but in that time there were dozens of updates that I downloaded but never opened. Then this week I finally got to shoot a soccer game with both cameras. The RAW editor worked flawlessly but when I began editing the Videos I discovered I had forgotten to create a separate folder for ONLY the RAW stills from my A6500. So when I began to edit the videos everything had shot that day were in the same folder….OOPS. The first video clip I edited began posting a warning that I couldn’t edit videos as long as the already processed RAW images were in the same folder……so I deleted EVERY RAW image since I still had the RAW files on my SD card. But even after deleting them ALL…it kept showing the same warning and every video clip I did edit started to jump all over the place like a time lapse (and every time you replayed it the skips were different). I finally found ONE support site that offered a “fix” for the same problem BUT the first step was to disable ALL “Virtual Drives” ( I never heard of what these were but apparently their Play Memories Online must have one because they offered NO explanation of how to find OR disable one. I have several “CLOUDS” that have been downloaded while I’ve been in treatment but I’ve never opened one because I didn’t plan to use anything I didn’t understand.anyway. I’ve since learned that NOBODY wants to tell you how to even FIND them, and offer many warnings how much stuff you will screw up if you disable or uninstall them. I have yet to find a single site that offers a phone number to actually talk to a live tech……Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated…????? Oh, I almost forgot to say that I live in Colorado, USA. Thanks.

    1. That’s a lot to follow but suggestion is to ALWAYS download still and video files MANUALLY into separate folders on a hard drive – not cloud. Don’t use software to do this. Do it manually.

  163. I have A7s2. I want to install the timelapse app, but I can’t seem to get the Playmemories app installer to show up on OSX. I’ve downloaded the Mac installer, run it, then it forces me to restart, and then… nothing. It’s not there. Tried it 3 times. Any ideas on how to deal with this? Thanks.

  164. I was attempting to buy the time-lapse app for my A6000 but every time I pressed ‘verify connection’ it just buffered for a bit, did nothing and reloaded and the verify message popped up again. Then when I opened the play memories app it asked me to turn the camera on and I did but it did nothing.. Also, it messed around with my mac somehow and everything started freezing and my mac wouldn’t restart. I had to force shut it down and then it bugged out and wouldn’t turn on for a bit. Annnnd to top it all off my camera has now stopped tethering and I can’t access the storage.. grr this is so frustrating

  165. My Play memories software always crashes. I get the message Browser has stopped working. I have tired all of Sonny Suggestions. I restart the computer, reinstalled software many times. I run the initialization tool, Noting works. Is there any suggestion to get this thing to work. I love my camera but this software is worthless and enough to make me switch to a camera that always you to upload photos with out hassle. I uses Win 7 and a RX100 III

      1. Hi I don’t even get to the camera App, the Play memories software when loading the photos causes “broswer must close” message/
        If you could help it would be great.

          1. Brad , sorry I guess not. I am talking about Play Memories Home. I just can’t get it to not close.

  166. I would like to know the location of my photos and I am not sure if Play Memories mobile will be useful given some of the comments I have read.
    This is all new to me, so I am not sure if I should use a separate GPS app that I match to my photos when I download them to Lightroom? If so, are there any GPS apps that could be recommended?
    Any advice is really appreciated!

  167. RX10 Mk4. Using my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge with Play Memories app how can I switch remotely from photo to video mode?

  168. Hi Brian.
    I appreciate your time for supporting us.

    I have 10$ funds in my wallet. Though I cannot purchase timelapse sony app! The playmemories app gives me two options: credit card or paypal. I simply want to use my wallet funds.

    Any idea?


  169. A7III, can’t get consistent connection. Camera and phone see each other, QR code is transferred, phone trying to connect, and then disconnects. Once in a while and intermittently they have connected and worked fine. Next time, no. They have never connected successfully using the QR code, only via the password option.

    Camera ILCE-7M3 (why won’t Sony call this an A7III?)
    Android 8.0.0
    Playmemroies 6.2.2.
    Locaiton U.S.

  170. Hi Brian,

    I just purchased today a Sony Alpha 5100 compact camera hoping it would not disappoint on its tech social features. Upon testing bits & pieces of the camera’s basic functionalities, it seems that PlayMemories are just an icon display in this camera. It does nothing at all. Do you happen to have a workaround on this?

    Issue: PlayMemories Apps cannot be opened at all from the camera.
    Sony Camera Model: ILCE-5100 Ver.3.10
    Operating System: Windows 10 Home
    Country: New Zealand

    1. I don’t own that camera, but are you accessing camera apps in the Apps Tab of the camera menu? You mentioned “social”, are you referring to sending photos to your phone? If so, you must also download Play Memories Mobile to your iOS or Android smartphone or tablet.

  171. Hi
    I dropped my Sony rx100 and was fixed but all the apps I bought for it have been deleted? How do I reinstall them please any help would be greatly appreciated
    Kind regards

  172. Hi there!

    I’m using the smart remote app on my iPhone for the Sony a6000 in the US. The app has been working fine for a few years. A few days ago I am unable to shoot with the Playmemories app. I get a message on the camera saying “Unavailable in this shooting mode. Switch to another mode’ And I can’t seem to figure out what the issue is. I updated my phone app but no use.

    Please help!

  173. My play memories home on my Lenovo yoga laptop running windows 10 freezes shortly after I load it. sometimes if i wait long enough it unfreezes but as soon as i start trying to use it freezes again. i have tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling to no avail.

  174. Camera is ILCE 6000 and can not connect using the Sony app uploader to purchase apps on MAC using OS 10.11.6. Continue to get a connection error. I am using Safari and have the correct driver installed. Changing USB setting has not helped. It connects to Play Memories with no issues just not using the uploader app.

  175. I’m not sure what your question is. PlayMemories Mobile is the only app for iPad. It allows you to connect with certain camera apps like Remote Camera Control – but it is NOT a camera app.

    Camera apps can only be downloaded from the camera or the PlayMemories Camera App Store – not from Apple.

  176. Robert Smallwood

    Brian, I want to install the app on my ipad, but app store shows app to be OPEN and does not let me INSTALL on my ipad, not my canera.

  177. Hi, I cant log in to the PlayMemories apps website on either my camera or my computer at all. It comes up with an error and says to refresh the page at a later stage but this doesn’t seem to change anything.

  178. Hello Brian.
    I have the sony A6500, using smart remote on an iphone 6. Its not show me options to change the shutter speed, the ISO, and the aperture.the remote control app doesn’t show any options, even if the camera is in manual mode! It only shows the shutter button, and the exposure correction (-5 to +5). That’s it!
    Please help

  179. Hi,
    I have an Nex-6 running version 1.03, and Playmemories on my iphone iOS 11.4.1. I live in the USA. Despite trying everything in Christendom, I cannot for the life of me get the Playmemories Smart Remote Control feature to work: uploaded it onto camera (after all those hoops: “register an account on a PC..” Yadada, yadada..), the iPhone recognized the Nex-6 as its WIFI point, and still, camera refuses to connect for Smart Remote Control (I am able to view images I’ve shot on smartphone, but that’s it.) As I sit and type, I’m watching that darn, circle of revolving dots, fruitlessly spinning….”Connecting… (spin spin spin) on the screen of the camera. I am able to successfully use the iPhone as a remote shutter for my Sony A7s, but not the Nex-6. Sigh.

      1. That would be great, but that’s not the case. If I get that “connecting” message, I go into settings on my phone, and make sure that the camera is selected as the WiFi connection (which it usually takes a second to recognize, but then connects successfully), then I open Playmemories, and nothing but the Wi-Fi connection screen appears: “! Operate via direct camer connect. Connected: DIRECT-orE0:NEX-6, Scan NFC/QR Code of the Camera”….. I’ve tried following those instructions, and scanning the QR code, all to get dumped back onto this same screen in Playmemories!

  180. Update: I was able to successfully connect (but that “connectING….” screen did not mean I was “connectED”: that yielded nothing.) but am dismayed to discover I need to go through the following steps each and EVERY time I turn on my camera and want to use the iPhone as a remote shutter:

    1Turn on camera, and select “Smart Remote Control” in menu under apps
    2. Open Playmemories app on iPhone (Pm from now on in this description)
    3. In Pm, “! Not connected to a camera….” screen appears, select “Scan NFC/QR….”, then confirm which to use.
    4. Scan the QR code displayed on back of camera using iPhone: this takes some time, as it’s finicky about distance, etc.
    5. Select “ok” on iphone
    6. Message appears: This website is trying to open settings to show you a configuration profile Do you want…” Hit “Allow”
    7. On subsequent page on iPhone, hit “Install”
    8. On subsequent page, enter phone passcode
    9. A Warning page then opens, “This profile is not signed”, hit “instal”
    10. Then hit “instal” again, with second prompt
    11. iPhone opens “Profile Installed” page, hit “done”
    12. Prompt appears on iPhone: “Open this page in “PlayMemories Mobile”?”, hit “Open”
    13. Playmemories app opens, and a prompt with it: “When installing is complete, connect to DIRECT-orE0-NEX-6” from [Settings]-[Wi-Fi] on the home screen and restart the application. Hit “ok”
    14. Open “Settings” on iPhone, which opens onto a profile scren for DIRECT-orE0 …. Navigate from that window back into “General”,
    15. …then into “Settings”…
    16. ..Scroll down to “Wi-Fi”, select, and wait for and select “DIRECT-orE0-NEX-6” when it appears
    17. Hit home button on iPhone
    18. Open “PlayMemories” app
    19. …. and BOOM! You can now, 19 steps later, use the app to shoot with your iPhone!

    19 steps, each and every single time you want to use the iPhone and PlayMemories as a shutter for the NEX-6…

    1. You can save most of that by selecting “DIRECT-orE0-NEX-6” in you WiFi settings. Your smartphone or Tablet will remember that connection after you’ve made it the first time.

      1. Thank you for your generosity in both this general post, and in taking the time to respond to individuals: I want to acknowledge that.

        “You can save most of that by selecting “DIRECT-orE0-NEX-6” in you WiFi settings. Your smartphone or Tablet will remember that connection after you’ve made it the first time.” I swear to you that’s what I tried before, and the two wouldn’t complete the connection, but this time: they did, THEY DID! Oh JOY!

        Last question: are you married?! (I kid… sort of.)

  181. Thank you for your generosity in both this general post, and in taking the time to respond to individuals: I want to acknowledge that.

    “You can save most of that by selecting “DIRECT-orE0-NEX-6” in you WiFi settings. Your smartphone or Tablet will remember that connection after you’ve made it the first time.” I swear to you that’s what I tried before, and the two wouldn’t complete the connection, but this time: they did, THEY DID! Oh JOY!

    Last question: are you married?! (I kid… sort of.)

  182. Since July 2018 I have been fighting to try and get Smooth Reflections app to work properly. I have downloaded it via my Windows 7 laptop (Acer 5750) onto my Sony RX10M2. Only the Custom setting does anything. The other settings do not create any file. Also slightly surprised that the Multiple Exposures app only creates a Jpeg end result, because Smooth Reflections Custom will create a Raw & Jpeg file. Sony Support have been communicating with me – initially via email and since last week via phone – and keep saying they will advise me when a decision is made. I only realised that this Blog was available today and I see that this issue has been flagged (on other camera models) for a year.

  183. My problem is downloading an app for my Sony A7R2. I can sign in ok, reach the purchase sequence for the app I want but each time I get in a do loop where the same message pops up that I need to download the PMCA Downloader which has been downloaded and is on my hard disk. Each time I close this downloader message, I am recycled back through the purchase process to the same message. Anyone know how to overcome this problem?

  184. I have an A7rii – no problem downloading the app for my iPhone 6S (just updated to the latest OS today) nor setting up an account on the Sony site via Safari on my MacBook Pro (running OSX 10.13) but when I started downloading the first Play Memories app to my camera it looked good but has now gone to a new screen and stalled for over 1/2 hour. I see wi-fi in the right corner and a small yellow line about 1/16th of the way along on the top left. It has not moved for 1/2 an hour. Battery still has 3 bars left.
    So annoying that it doesn’t work after spending so much time getting everything set up. I felt like I was on a flip phone again having to type in everything on the back of the camera. I really miss the touch screen from my Olympus OMD E-1 – wish the A7rii had one.
    Any suggestions welcome.

  185. Hi Brian, apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but I’ve just tried to open some recent images using the Map View, and it tells me I’m using an unsupported browser. So I’ve switched IE11 off, and am now using Chrome but still get the same error message. Is there a setting somewhere in PlayMemories where I should define the browser?

    1. Wait??? Is Internet Explorer still around??? IE hasn’t supported Mac for years.

      If Sony software tells you the browser is not supported. You need to use one that is.

  186. Thanks for your work on this Brian. I have used Sony cameras for years and love the four I currently own. I really like their apps but wish they were included in the camera right out of the box. Recently I tried to get the Playmemories app on my ipad to connect to my a6500. Half-hour of waiting for the connection. Pitiful. Looks like the CamRanger option is a whole lot better. Given the great quality of their cameras and lenses and the prices they charge, how can anyone working for Sony be proud of their apps and the general mess they are in. A change is in order.

  187. My camera A6300 . Country India.
    I installed my portrait app on camera . After opening camera got hanged. Tried restarting the camera but not worked.continuesly app opening and closing… What to do pls suggest

  188. I just bought a new camera (RX100M5a) and apparently Sony doesn’t allow apps on these cameras anymore. What’s the deal with that?? I see nobody else talking about it, I see many references to the RX100M5 being supported, but there are no apps on my camera, no apps menu, nothing. Apps have been replaced by “My Menu.” I guess I got a new RX100M5a model. The a must mean asshole edition.

    1. Yeah, I just blew 3 hours figuring out the same thing. There are videos and screen shots showing a completely different menu layout between the RX100M5 and RX100M5a (full disclosure, the first hour wasted was my fault as I didn’t double check my version in-camera, so I wasn’t aware the “a” variant was even a thing).

      A stealth downgrade is a pretty ballsy move. There is a truism in IT: “good hardware, bad software”. Sony is the poster child for this saying. Software and UX is an afterthought for many camera companies.

      I was able to purchase and install Time Lapse on my A6300, with only moderate hassles, so I guess I will have to settle for that for the time being.

  189. It is a bit of a mystery – the Smooth reflections app would not work on the RX10M2 that I bought first . So, having provided evidence, at Sony’s request I sent it back and got a refund. With that money (short version) I bought another RX10M2 and after installing on that camera, found that ALL the functions in Smooth Reflections DO work correctly !!
    I have heard that the Development teams working on those apps have been disbanded, which would explain why these are not offered on more recent models.

  190. just bought new A6000 via black friday deal. wanted to use “sync to smartphone” app which wasn’t pre-installed on A6000.

    upon following your instructions for download (wire connection to MAC), turned A6000 and:
    wireless mouse crashed, wireless keyboard crashed, external hard drives (which were still connected via USB) got error “eject before disconnecting”, Photos gave crash window. just turning A6000 off returned mouse and keyboard.

    note: can’t obtain play memories HOME app through MAC app store. if Sony made app compliant to be able to distribute through MAC app store, would that improve things?

  191. Hi Brian – trying to buy the Multiple Exposure app on my Sony A7SII. The camera connects to my wifi, I get as far as the Order & Pay button, then I get a “Could not connect to server” message .When I try to reload, I get a Webpage not available. I’ve been trying for over a week, hoping it’s a server problem their end that will get fixed. Any ideas ? Thanks !

  192. Try temporarily switching off your Anti-virus software while you do the download. And don’t forget to switch it back on afterwards.

  193. Sal C. Guglielmino

    I have a Sony a6000. I tried to download a PlayMemories app and I can’t get by the I Am Not A Robot checkoff box. Every time I try it tells me I haven’t checked it off. I have. I own a MacBook Air with Version 10.13.6 High Safari operating system. I read where you said this system isn’t supported yet. I there anything else I can do to get apps from somewhere else or do a work around? I’ve tried having other people in my family log on but they encounter the same problem. Thanks for any help or suggestions you can give me.

  194. Have you tried switching off your Antivirus software ? I had to do that to allow access to their applications.

  195. play memories home, never work for my fdr-ax100 wasting time, thinking this software will play n enjoy n share pics n videos, but not

  196. Unable to purchase apps after funds placed in Wallet via paypal. Having requested a refund via paypal (and received notification from paypal case found in my favour) now unable to sign in to Sony apps page to deposit further funds due to suspension of Sony account. Their help pages do not offer a resolution although waiting for reply to email query. Thankful I have other non Sony cameras to use.

  197. Cannot successfully purchase and download any app; Sony a6500; Mac OS 10.14.3 OS Mojave; I live in Canada. I am currently so sorry that have have spent around 8K for my Sony a6500 camera. I spend over two decades as a commercial/advertising photographer and because of Sony’s horrendous interfaces and app installation, I am ready to throw it across the room. I have a Mac and have been completely unable to purchase and install any app to my camera, either by connecting the camera to the computer or using wifi. No camera that costs this much should be this mind-numbingly difficult to install an app. Even the Henry’s camera that sold me the camera was not able to get it to work. The only app I’ve successfully installed was the free remote app. I’ve spent hours working on this with no success. I can’t seem to find any step by step tutorial that shows anyone doing this successfully. I would be deeply grateful to anyone who can help me with this.

  198. I had a problem with all these when trying to download. UNTIL I temporarily disabled my computer’s Virus Checker, and everything then ran smoothly. But if you try this, do remember to reactivate the Virus Checker when completed.

    1. Christopher Weeks

      That was not an issue for me. I don’t run any anti-virus on my Mac. Are you running on a PC or Mac. Thanks for the thought.

  199. I’ve tried downloading the smooth reflections app many times over the past month though the PC and the camera with no luck. Customer service told me different stories each time. Today I got the “reason it is not working” is that the app is $9.99 now when all this time it says on the webpage is that it is $4.99. Can anyone verify this that the smooth reflections app is $9.99? Thanks.

  200. Hi Brian
    I’m on Sony mobile Xperia F8131, Android 8.0.0 phone.
    I bought a Sony Cybershot camera Hx90v camera before I left home in Australia a week ago. I downloaded PlayMemories Mobile app and had it working to download photos from the camera to the mobile in Australia and, this, week, in Ecuador. Last success was last night. Today the app has disappeared from the phone and I can’t find it to reload. Any suggestions please? BETH

  201. Ugh. What a nightmare experience. I’ve progressed from zero success using a new MBP and an older MBA, to actually having been able to purchase the (time lapse) app via a Windows machine, and even successfully connecting my camera via USB connection. Unfortunately, I’m having (# D-ResultCode) error when trying to get any further with downloading the app and uploading to the camera. So, now I’ve managed to spend the money but still no real closer to the desired outcome. Even connecting the camera (to PlayMemoriesApp) via WiFi doesn’t work (and I’m wondering if that’s related to an apparent inability to prove I’m not a robot / ReCaptcha). Super frustrating.

  202. All I want to do is transfer pictures from Sony Cybershot to my laptop. Hours wasted, never to be recovered. Does the camera show as an external drive so I can link the 2 devices? Ha! Too simple. Camera switches off when connected to laptop. No wonder people are dumping these cameras in favour of user-friendly mobile phones. Do developers never test drive the product with ordinary users?

    1. 1. USB Connection must be set to either Mass Storage or Auto
      2. Connect the camera to your laptop and turn it on
      3. SD card will appear on your desktop as “Untitled” drive icon
      4. Still Photos are inside the DCIM Folder

      After Downloading the photos, eject the “Untitled” drive icon

  203. Thank you for your swift reply Brian. I discovered that we have to search through our black USB cables until we find the one showing ‘Sony Corporation Made in China’ in tiny letters otherwise the camera doesn’t recognise the computer [or maybe vice versa]. Probably the focus on the profit from consumables stopped Sony from providing a bright red or green cable or any colour except the mainstream one. With other [non-Sony] cables the camera switches off as soon as connected to computer.

  204. A big reason why I bought the Sony AS100V was for the GPS & map overlay function. This feature now appears to be defunct due to a change in the Google Maps API:

    “Map View in PlayMemories Home (Windows version) is no longer available due to a specification change of Google Maps. Please consider using a similar application available in the market.”

    I have searched the sony support forum and found nothing – no plans to update the app, no discussion, nothing. Has anyone here heard anything? Does anyone know which “similar application” Sony might be referring to?

      1. I’ve heard that Google chg’d the Maps API so it’s not free anymore. If this isn’t the case, it’d be nice if Sony would update their software to match the new API. Not getting that feeling from Sony’s terse statement though.

        There are two map apps that I’ve run across that may be compatible – VIRB (Garmin) & Dashware. Haven’t tried the former but I did play with Dashware a while back. It was unpolished at the time…Playmemories Home was definitely more intuitive and user friendly. Might be different now.

  205. I recently bought a Sony FDR-AX53 and fully expected it to have the same remote control feature included in my previous camcorder, yya CX 730. But it hasn’t.
    I just spent an hour reading the on-line help guide instructions and downloading the PlayMemories app and jumping through all the Sony hoops in order to get to the point where I could scan the QR code on my camera … only to find that this QR code is “Not Supported”! This is a brand new camera & should function impeccably.

    1. If you just downloaded the phone app it should be Imaging Edge Mobile – which replaced PlayMemories Mobile several months ago. If you can manually sync the camcorder and your smartphone, I find that works much better than QR code and once you’ve done so, your phone will remember the password for future connections.

      1. Yeah, that’s all very well but I have an iPhone 5C which has worked fine up to now and for Imaging Edge Mobile app to work the iOS 11.4 or later is required and that is not available for the 5C. Looks like I will need to spend another £500 just to have a feature that was in my previous camcorder. Boo hoo 🙁

  206. I went to install Sony’s PlayMemories mobile on my iOS smart phone so I could transfer photos wirelessly from my new A7r2 just like I used to do with my A7r. I found that the app called PlayMemories is nothing like the old app. It’s now some kind of a photo storage service from Sony. Worse yet, I haven’t a clue what I need to get the old photo transfer and wireless remote functionality back that PlayMemories used to provide. What gives?

  207. Sony Cybershot DSC-HX400v which I bought predominantly for the GPS feature as well as some other features. Once I started trying to use the tagging conversion feature that is supposed to be in PlayMemories/Image edge, it is no longer functioning. THAT needs to be rectified. Also, not being able to shoot video from the phone app. I have not tried it from my iPad or Windows computer so I will focus on ios systems. I’ve spent so much time, even days just trying to get the app and phone working together that I haven’t tried to transfer photos yet, plus on the camera app, it keeps asking me to log in even after I have gone through the complete process including confirmation text, numerous times. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING all around. Thanks for listening and trying to help.

    1. As a long-time Apple user, I can positively state that many incompatibility issues with Mac OS and iOS are squarely due to Apple blocking certain functions that work just fine in their previous OS. Since Apple has a much smaller market share in Japan, Sony engineers tend to be very slow to fix what Apple breaks.

  208. Hi, am useing a7Rii, and want to purchase digital filter, residing in Qatar and some of playmemmories app not working, so i change the store location to US, now i used to purchase the app with PSN store card, it is not working, what is the solution

    1. If your government in Qatar has not approved PlayMemories Camera Apps, Sony cannot legally sell them to you. That’s one of the reasons they’re being phased out.

  209. i have a problem with play memories home in windows 10 that i would love help with , i have contacted sony but they are useless
    play memories home was great with windows 7 – i used to be able to edit a video clip or a photo and then in the tools section it would say email this edited video and i could email it to myself and it worked very well.
    Now with windows 10 i can still do the editing but there is no option to email to myself the edited stuff – if i click on tools i can sh are it to youtube or i can share it to the cloud. I dont want to do either of these things i just want to send it to myself. Can someone please tell me how i can email these to myself, i would really appreciate it

    1. This post is about PlayMemories Camera Apps – not PlayMemories Home though neither get rave reviews

    1. PlayMemories is going away in favor of Imaging Edge and Imaging Edge Mobile. You might find your answer there.

  210. Chuck Whittier

    Sony Play memories starts up automatically when the phone is plugged in, can not stop to just download a photo into my computer files. What can I do to stop the auto load?

    1. You can remove the PlayMemories Home app.

      Simply drag all the images from your SD card to a folder on your computer or hard drive.

  211. Hi Brian, I use Sony Play Memories mobile on my Android Samsung Cell phone to connect remotely to my Sony PJ540E. I use it as a static camera but my initial setup is to do a manual white balance configuration (One Push). After connecting my camera to the phone and recording the event I find that the camera has reverted back to the auto white balance setting and ignored my manual white balance setting. Is this how Play Memories works or is there something I can do to keep my initial white balance setting.

  212. USA; Windows 10; Internet Explorer, Chrome; RX 100 vi and Rx 10 iv – downloading images and videos with Playmemories Home works fine. Playmemories Camera Apps fails to recognize the cameras via usb connection. (Tried various cables and usb ports.)

  213. Hi,

    I am facing a trouble in syncing the sonymemories app on my lg v30 plus smartphone. I am from India and is currently using sony a6000 model.

  214. Sony ILCE 6000
    1. MacOS Mojave
    Lost wireless upload capability recently. Camera connects to wifi but cannot connect to the (registered) computer anymore

    2. Android 8.1.0
    Playmemories online – Password reset works OK but an old password seems to be getting inserted into the password box after I enter the (correct) password. This leads to either timeout or incorrect password errors.

    1. 1. Sony is no longer updating Play Memories so the latest and future Mac OS will likely remain unsupported.
      2. You need to either “forget” that device to bring up the black password field or manually edit the password in your phone’s settings.

  215. Tried all that on Android thank you. Still getting, “The connection to the server timed out.”

  216. Luke Currie-Richardson

    Hi Brian,

    Not sure if this has been answered yet but I’m having a6500 wifi connection problems with my Imaging Edge Mobile app. My iPhone connects but when I go into the app it doesn’t go into my picture folders and stays loading until I get out of it. My a5000 connect and send pics perfectly fine. any hints?

    1. Is the photo saved to your iPhone camera roll? If not, you may need to re-establish the WiFi connection to your camera.

  217. NOT at all user friendly. Beginner? FORGET IT!.
    Sony pulls this bologna all the time.
    A7II Great camera – Bracket Pro waste of $$$$$$$$$$$$

  218. I can’t even log in to the webpage where the apps reside, I log in to the PSN via the playmemories apps page and get redirected to my basic account info page where there is no option to go to the apps page. I have paid for the timelapse app and had it on my a5000, I recently upgraded to the a6000 and can’t get to the download page. I’ve tried Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari…None of them work.

    Can’t login via the camera either, it just hangs on a white screen with a stuck loading symbol after all the rigmarole of inputting username and password on the a6000 scroll wheel.

    On windows 10 pro.

    1. I just tested it myself and the pop-up login window is being blocked by Safari.

      You can change that underSafari > Preferences > Websites > Popup Windows

      Once you change preferences for to “Allow”, refresh the page and the popup login works fine and you can access your account.

      I imagine it’s the same issue with all the other browsers as well.

  219. Hi, I’m currently in Western Australia and I’m using a Sony a6300 and I’m not able to go online with the camera for download apps, I can’t even find the main site on my pc to try to download the apps from the computer, I already used many different types of wifi and I’m still struggling for get the application for the time lapse (already paid)

  220. I downloaded PlayMemories mobile app from the Android Play Store to my S9. I created an account . Every time I try to log into the account it says my password/email combination is wrong, even though it’s not! Same thing happens with desktop access. Very frustrating. I need to be able to transfer pics from my 6300 to my phone while on an overseas trip in two days!

  221. I downloaded the latest firmware and Sony Smart Remote app to my A7Sii and the latest Smart Remote app to my iPhone. Upon connecting from the iPhone app to my A7sii, the A7sii menu says connecting… ,a spinning wheel never stops and nothing happens. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  222. Sorry to say that the PlayMemoriesMobile smartphone app which I got working was replaced by ImagingEdge. Which I found out whilst on a trip and trying to share some pictures.

    It’s taken me a day to get that working and it’s another poor user experience.

    Instead of asking Sony to sort it out, better if they release the connection spec and let third-party developers build stuff that works.

  223. It has been some time since opened Playmemories to look at photos of many years–but first I had to set a new password . then when it opened I only see a large X in each squre where there is a photo, so I go to sign in and enter my email address and the password and get thru the picture maze, but then the small cicle that goes around and around to open–never does, I can leave it for several minuts and it never opens, just keeps going around and around. I even uninstalled completely, then downloaded the 64 bit for windows but the same thing. Odd but when I enter “photos” in the search box in the lower left corner on the computer, all of the photos fron playmemories shows with the same years, etc as seen when Playmenoies was able to open.

  224. There uses to be a remote control application on the PC to control the a5100 via USB. That no longer exists and are unable to find the download.

    In the netherlands I get network error #100 when trying to install playmemory application.

    I do not want to use my mobile phone to control the camera, I want to use my pc.

    Logging in on the playstation network using a camera’s user interface, boggles the mind who thought of that idea.

    Sony’s software is utterly unusable and the developers should be ashamed of themselves.

  225. Hi Brian, I have an older handycam HDR-XR200V that is still working fine. Since Windows 7 is now out of support I am migrating my data over to a new computer with Windows 10. I have discovered now upon installing Playmemories Home and importing my library that I must ‘connect my device for authentication’ before it will import any AVCHD or MPEG content into the database! What is this nonsense? What if my handycam was broken, lost or stolen and I cannot physically plug it in any longer? Have I forever lost the ability to manage my video files in Playmemories Home? Seems like a MAJOR oversight. Hoping you have some insight. Thanks

  226. I can’t get Play memories camera apps on android play store?

    I tried Play Memories Online app but it wont connect with my camera (Sony a7ii)

    I just want to be able to use Smart Remote

    1. You need to connect the camera to a WiFi network and update camera apps from the apps tab of the camera menu

  227. I’m trying to get the time-lapse app. However the pica download isn’t playing ball. I’m on a MacBook Pro running Mojave

    1. You can only download through the camera now. First connect your camera to a WiFi network. Then use the apps tab on your camera to connect to the apps store. This only works on older cameras. Current and future cameras no longer support downloadable apps.

  228. I have experienced a major issue and been unable to find a solution. Several years ago we traveled to Paris and I never got around to processing my pics and video. I downloaded them off the camera to my computer but they have been sitting there now for years. I finally decided to process them all but am unable to use PlayMemories Home (PMH) to determine the GPS locations of the images which now years later I have no idea of where they were taken. The problem is I gave my Sony HDR-CX550 camera away and no can no longer use it to “authorize” PMH to accept and use the images now on my computer.

    Is there ANY way to enable these images? I have several newer Sony cams now. Is there some way to use one of them to prove I am a Sony customer and turn on PMH?

  229. Nikki frazetta

    Hello brian, i having a problem when importing video from sony a7ii (mp4 format) to my iphone, some how when i edited that video on my phone, it stretched vertically, and i cannot fix the resolution again even when i save that video. Am i doing something wrong with the setting in camera?

      1. Nikki frazetta

        Any, with iphone editor itself, or Splice, somehow if i try to edit like adjusting exposure/contrast or even just wants to preview, it stretched. Its happened when i set my a7ii vid format to mp4, when I set to avchd then export it to my laptop then convert to mp4 and sending it again to my iphone, it went normal.

        1. You’ll need to check with support for the app. I know the iPhone Clips app forces all footage into a square. It’s not a Sony thing. It’s the app. You may want to check out Adobe Rush to see if that offers what you’re after.

  230. Hi Brian I have a compact camera, Sony DSC-WX500 which refuses to connect to my iPhone. It says connecting but nothing happens. I have tried to link up through applications and the play memories camera app or smart remote but then it says I need to sign in and when I try it says unknown error and won’t let me?

  231. Hi Brian I have also downloaded imaging edge and the camera will still not connect though the phone shows the connection. I have removed the apps, the links and the reconnected all to no avail.

  232. When I uploaded my pictures today most of them are greay and blank with an X in the middle of the picture. I really need help to fix this problem. The date on my pictures is also way off with dates

    1. Sounds like you’re asking about PlayMemories Home – not PlayMemories Mobile – but I’ll try to help out.

      First thing to try is to bypass PlayMemories Home and simply drag & drop the images from your card into a folder on your Desktop.

      Once the download is complete, check the the images in that folder to see if the same thing is happening there.

  233. Hi Brian,
    I’ve been reading about the Play memories app Bracket Pro for my Sony DSC-HX400v, do you think that this would be a good purchase?…Julian

    1. I don’t recommend purchasing any Sony camera apps. Sony in no longer updating or supporting them.

  234. Hi Brian I am thinking of purchasing Bracket Pro for my Sony DSC-HX400v, do you think this is a good idea? They are both made by Sony!…Julian

  235. I have a Sony A6000 and trying to purchase the time lapse app but it will not allow me to confirm purchase. Is there anything I can do to get the app some other way?

  236. I have also having the same issues with a Sony A6000 that Wade is having. I thought at first it was the fact you have to have money in a digital wallet. I did that and still having the same issues. Goes through the entire process then stops at confirming the purchase.

  237. Michael stJohn van Eeden

    Hi I am so frustrated , Live In South Africa . Bought a new sony alpha 7.
    Went to download the apps to do time exposures and multiple exposures, with is a
    big part of my landscape photoshoots. And on sony’s site and google play .

    It will not let me buy them.So now I have a new camera that can only do half the job. Very NOT HAPPY, What The Hell?

    1. Sony makes great cameras but their apps were always challenged due to international restrictions. I’m not certain if that’s the case in South Africa.

      Sony moved away from apps a few generations back, starting with a7R III and the international restrictions were part of the reason.

  238. Looks like I’ve just wasted £400 on a new camera. Just bought a DSC-HX99 specifically because of the ability to use location info from a smartphone (this was the only reason for buying this model over several close competitors). I cannot get my iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 14.4 to connect to it. Tried everything. No wonder Playmmemories mobile is rated 1.6 n the App Store.

  239. Hi Brian I have a ILCE-7RM2 when I connect to play memories camera apps it will let me download free apps into my camera. but when I try to purchase any apps it gets stuck at the “I Agree. Confirm Purchase” button. it is the same in the camera and when connecting computer with usb. Ive tried gift card, credit card, and paypal. Nothing works, I’ve reached out to Sony and no one seems to know what to do. I ran across your blog and fig it was worth a shot.

    1. Camera Apps never worked well and have wisely been discontinued in the last two generations of Sony mirrorless cameras. If you like the free ones – grab them and enjoy – but I wouldn’t advise purchasing any.

  240. Hello! I have recently purchased the Timelapse app for my Alpha 6. The AE tracking doesn’t work, even though I have set it on high. I have tried using it with the Custom theme and the Sunrise theme, on Shutter priority and on Manual. What settings do I need to use to get this to work?

    1. I’m not sure what camera do you mean by Alpha 6?

      But as for shooting modes, Manual and Shutter-Priority are your worst choices in changing light since even coupled with Auto ISO you can easily run out of available exposure adjustment.

      Aperture Priority or Program are better choices for dealing with changing lighting conditions. Add in Auto ISO if you need even more exposure adjustment.

  241. I have Sony A7 II and I got the multiple exposure app and it opens up and Everything but after you take the first photo it’s either goes black won’t come up unless I turn it off or goes but normal mode/exits out the app

  242. Absolutely frustrating not to be able to install apps on A7III.

    1. As you can read in this thread, Sony Camera Apps were riddled with issues. Some could not be overcome, such as legal restrictions requiring regulatory approval in each country for the apps to be distributed. No approval meant users in that country couldn’t download the apps and there is no way around that. The only cameras compatible with Camera Apps were clearly listed in the terms. There was never any promise of compatibility with any cameras not on the list.

  243. Every time I try to save a trimmed video using the “Trim Videos” feature, Playmemories Home crashes. What a pain in the ass! It’s USELESS. (Running Playmemries Home 6.0 on Windows 10).

  244. Hi Brian and Friends … My recent profanity laden *experience with this SONY/windows/android hellscape was not enjoyable, but it was informative. Managed to get the playmemories stuff installed, but it would not recognize or find the camera attached. Did a factory reset on the camera, still no joy. Looked for windows 10 drivers and only found sony imaging software, so I installed a couple hundred MB’s of that stuff and rebooted. OK, the drivers are bundled with all the rest… viola, then when camera seen by app dowloader online, and I installed the Remote Control software app to the camera. Fine, now trying to connect the phone part of the ap via QR code got me password error try again. Tried a number of times and got the same errors. On a whim, I decided to change the default name of the camera (nex-6) to some nonsense name and boom it worked! Hope this will help someone out. The remote viewing and shutter now working, and I’m delighted, but Sony really makes you jump through the hoops to get there. BTW Sony Playmemories is disappearing this year (2023) so get your aps while the getting is good.

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